time of birth

East London

Folder: London
London E1-E14

waterside carbuncles

20 May 2015 104
Isle of Dogs, London

blight on the Isle of Dogs

20 May 2015 5 112
Isle of Dogs, London

gone to the dogs

20 May 2015 1 151
Isle of Dogs riverside

architectural hulks by the river

20 May 2015 103
Isle of Dogs, London

pointing out the carbuncles

20 May 2015 116
Isle of Dogs from Greenwich

bizarre buildings by the Thames

20 May 2015 144
Isle of Dogs or somewhere. Perhaps the architect was having a migraine attack?

manic-depressive roofline

20 May 2015 1 156
Saunders Ness Road, Isle of Dogs

Christ Church, Isle of Dogs

20 May 2015 3 155
slightly obscured by the architectural heap at Saunders Ness Road

Isle of Dogs from Greenwich

20 May 2015 2 128
Saunders Ness Road, Isle of Dogs

Canary carbuncles

20 May 2015 4 115
positively beautiful compared to some of the newer crap that's going up

virulent architectural blight

20 May 2015 2 110
Blackwall Yard, London

riverside carbuncles

20 May 2015 1 113
River Thames, London

uglies upriver from Greenwich

20 May 2015 1 127
guessing this is the Isle of Dogs, with Deptford towers beyond

C is for canary, carbuncle, crap.....

03 Dec 2014 7 289
Canary Wharf from North Greenwich

architectural mess

20 May 2015 2 178
the view downstream from Tower Bridge

corner of Dalston Lane

19 Sep 2017 1 97
London bus window shot

Hackney mural

19 Sep 2017 99
London bus window shot

Hackney Co-operative Developments

19 Sep 2017 117
London bus window shot

238 items in total