Riverside Centre canoeing


The Excelsior Cafe

27 Jan 2007 1 32
Cowley Road, East Oxford

Riverside Centre canoeing

06 Jun 2007 4 40
Donnington Bridge, Oxford

epileptic canoeist

06 Jun 2007 5 31
with DLA mobility allowance

tree-hugging DLA claimants

26 Nov 2011 1 2 50
needing help with "getting around"

DLA hopeful

27 Aug 2014 3 55
"My legs are a bit dodgy and I could do with some extra to pay for my Sky TV."

the disarming smile of a rapist

26 Jun 2004 21 168
Mohammed Karrar - Oxford Rape Gang

puppet fiddler

twister at the fair

06 Sep 2016 1 161
St Giles Fair, Oxford

disabled man with bus pass

13 Jun 2016 1 20
after allegedly losing the use of his hands

St Andrew's Church, Plymouth

disabled man on DLA

25 Jun 2013 2 23
needs help with getting around

street lamps

20 Dec 2018 40
Cornmarket Street, Oxford

abandoned Excelsior Cafe

17 Jun 2015 1 146
Where will the phoney disabled go now to spend their DLA money?