site of the old Budshead Manor

parks and gardens

see separate sets for London and Oxford

site of the old Budshead Manor

03 Jul 2005 1 123
Ernesettle, Devon

path round the creek

28 Oct 2005 149
Ernesettle, Plymouth

field behind Martlesham

23 Oct 2005 1 156
Ernesettle, Plymouth

field behind Kenley

23 Oct 2005 1 165
Ernesettle, Plymouth

mellow October

28 Oct 2005 1 170
Ernesettle, Devon

children's park

05 Apr 2006 1 73
Hook Norton, Oxfordshire

New Walk in spring

19 Mar 2008 3 249
Christ Church Meadow, Oxford

April daffs by the path

01 Apr 2009 1 159
Christ Church Meadow, Oxford

daffies by the flooded Cherwell

19 Mar 2008 1 234
Oxford riverside walk

banks of gold

26 Mar 2012 2 229
a host of golden daffodils by the River Cherwell at Magdalen College, Oxford

Magdalen deer

14 Apr 2009 5 226
Magdalen College Deer Park, Oxford

daffies by the Cherwell

06 Apr 2014 1 1 280
Christ Church Meadow, Oxford

jaded daffs at Addison's Walk

14 Apr 2009 1 49
Magdalen College, Oxford

view from Addison's Walk

14 Apr 2009 1 57
Magdalen College water meadow

Magdalen walk in spring

14 Apr 2009 1 46
Magdalen College, Oxford

spring carpet

14 Apr 2009 1 65
Magdalen College, Oxford

April flora

14 Apr 2009 1 57
Magdalen College, Oxford

Fellows' Garden

14 Apr 2009 1 50
Magdalen College, Oxford

170 items in total