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nice street furniture

Many towns are spoiled by modern seats and tacky-looking bins and bus-stops, so here's a reminder of how nice the traditional stuff looks.

yarn poppies

13 Nov 2017 1 124
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

remembrance yarn

13 Nov 2017 1 1 122
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

old bus stop

25 Nov 2017 1 2 105
Cuxham, Oxfordshire

village seat

13 Nov 2017 1 105
South Newington, Oxfordshire

village hall noticeboard

13 Nov 2017 133
Milcombe, Oxfordshire

long wait at Cuxham

25 Nov 2017 1 189
the sun was shining when I arrived at the bus stop, and now it's getting dark and I'm still waiting...

snowy red pillar box

10 Dec 2017 1 140
OX2 65, Walton Street, Jericho

lost zebra in the snow

10 Dec 2017 2 3 224
Walton Street, Jericho

Great Clarendon Street sign

10 Dec 2017 1 154
Jericho, Oxford

Ballard bollard

14 Dec 2017 193
Abingdon, Oxfordshire

wharf in the December sun

14 Dec 2017 1 159
Abingdon, Oxfordshire

riverside railings

04 Jan 2018 6 195
Abingdon, Oxfordshire

Fuller's Swan sign

03 Jan 2018 2 206
Bayswater, London

Oxford Street taxis

03 Jan 2018 102
London bus window shot

Saint Christopher Place clock

03 Jan 2018 108
London bus window shot

Guardian owl clock

03 Jan 2018 1 131
London bus window shot

Monument Underground

03 Jan 2018 1 1 128
London bus window shot

Star of the East gas lamps

03 Jan 2018 2 144
London bus window shot

847 items in total