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nice street furniture

Many towns are spoiled by modern seats and tacky-looking bins and bus-stops, so here's a reminder of how nice the traditional stuff looks.

Boswell blooms on Broad Street

07 Sep 2010 1 18
Broad Street, Oxford

Morland Brewery sign

Sutton Courtenay war memorial

07 Oct 2010 66
Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire

Punchbowl pub sign

19 Nov 2010 1 1 97
Woodstock, Oxfordshire

old Oxford bus shelter

20 Feb 2011 2 14
Magdalen Street West, Oxford

old Radcliffe Arms

29 Mar 2011 1 133
Jericho, Oxford

the old Raddy

29 Mar 2011 1 122
Jericho, Oxford

O.C.C. litter bin

31 Mar 2011 1 19
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

Brasenose bin

07 Apr 2011 10
Radcliffe Square, Oxford

Oxford blue signpost in spring

07 Apr 2011 1 16
Radcliffe Square, Oxford

Banbury Road wall box

07 Apr 2011 1 13
OX2 132, Banbury Road, South, Oxford

old black fox bin

10 Apr 2011 129
Walton Street, Jericho

Old Bill bin nicked yet?

12 Apr 2011 2 19
Bill Posters will be prosecuted

OUP bus stop sign

30 Apr 2011 1 171
Walton Street, Jericho

lamppost at 40 St Giles

30 Apr 2011 1 19
St Giles, Oxford

St Cross lamppost

30 Apr 2011 1 16
St Giles, Oxford

Ashmolean litter bin

30 Apr 2011 1 19
Beaumont Street, Oxford

rare gentlemen

31 May 2011 1 136
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

859 items in total