one man band


buskers in New George Street

06 Jul 2005 1 88
Plymouth, Devon

busker Barry

02 Feb 2006 1 75
Banbury, Oxfordshire

street fair buskers

09 Jun 2007 25
Jericho Street Fair 2007

Brickwork Lizards at the Star

01 Jul 2007 1 35
Rectory Road, East Oxford

Brickwork Lizards

01 Jul 2007 1 1 28
Cowley Road Carnival 2007

freaking at the fair

09 Jun 2007 1 31
Jericho Street Fair 2007

Singing Dog

10 Oct 2009 225
wailing collie in Oxford City Centre

still as a statue

21 Mar 2009 1 157
Cornmarket Street, Oxford

statue comes to life

21 Mar 2009 1 135
Cornmarket Street, Oxford

one man band

20 Aug 2007 122
busker in Oxford City Centre

Pete The Temp

26 Nov 2008 21
Cowley Road, East Oxford

Oxford bagpipe busker

27 Feb 2008 1 232
Heath Richardson in Cornmarket Street

Oxford Bagpiper

01 Jun 2008 1 172
Heath Richardson in Cornmarket Street

Farewell to the Oxford Bagpiper

29 Nov 2008 1 1 20
Heath Richardson in Cornmarket Street

Oxford bagpiper video

--/--/---- 1 122
Heath Richardson's last performance

fire juggling act

--/--/---- 1 125
(sorry he got squashed)

Jericho Carol Singers

juggler at the bus stop

16 Oct 2009 1 178
St Giles, Oxford

65 items in total