Ultimate Picture Palace

cinemas and theatres

Jericho Tavern & Phoenix cinema

23 Jun 2012 1 138
Walton Street, Oxford

Phoenix Picture House

24 Mar 2009 1 155
Jericho, Oxford

Phoenix Picture House cinema

26 Jun 2006 1 209
Walton Street, Jericho

New Theatre

06 Apr 2007 1 168
George Street, Oxford

Cats at the New Theatre

02 Aug 2006 2 63
George Street, Oxford

George Street lights

26 Dec 2006 1 56
Christmas in Oxford

New Theatre ghost

02 Oct 2016 1 153
not really a ghost, as it's still open

New Theatre

29 Jul 2012 1 22
George Street, Oxford

Odeon signpost

29 Jul 2012 1 29
Gloucester Green, Oxford

Ultimate Picture Palace

01 Jan 2007 145
Jeune Street, East Oxford

mail at the picture palace

16 Jul 2012 26
Jeune Street, East Oxford

Picture Palace

26 Aug 2006 1 52
Jeune Street, East Oxford

Regal cinema building

10 Aug 2006 1 177
Magdalen Road, East Oxford

Christmas tree sale

09 Dec 2006 1 56
old cinema at East Oxford

old cinema (bingo hall)

old music hall building

20 Sep 2006 2 216
former Blackwells, Cowley Road

new Pegasus Theatre carbuncle

17 May 2010 1 11
Magdalen Road, Oxford

old Pegasus Theatre

24 Apr 2007 1 22
Magdalen Road, East Oxford

111 items in total