coppers with helmets


British bobbies

14 Jan 2008 8 281
Thames Valley Police in Oxford City Centre

Oxford police horses

06 Sep 2006 1 227
Thames Valley Police

coppers with helmets

14 Jan 2008 3 4 48
police in Oxford

Oxford mounted police

01 Jun 2006 1 2 51
Essex Street, East Oxford

St Aldates Police Station

06 Aug 2015 2 238
Thames Valley Police, Oxford

police horses in Cornmarket

06 Sep 2006 1 152
Oxford city centre

shame on you British Waterways

31 May 2006 1 126
Jericho Boatyard eviction

flooding in Abingdon Road

26 Jul 2007 1 179
Oxford July 2007 flood

Thames Valley socks

09 Jan 2014 3 186
just a quick shot from the hip, for fear of getting arrested

zero tolerance

20 Jul 2008 3 158
stocks at Binsey Village Fete

pig roast at Binsey

20 Jul 2008 1 204
police at the village fete

Neighbourhood Watch stall

14 Jun 2008 2 163
Jericho Street Fair 2008

searching the Castle Mill Stream

plodding the towpath

05 Oct 2010 125
Hythe Bridge Moorings, Oxford

mounted police in Oxford

04 Oct 2014 1 146
just a quick snap from the bus shelter, for fear of getting the camera wet or seized

it's a fair cop

08 Sep 2009 2 179
St Giles Fair, Oxford

police horses in Headington

02 Oct 2008 1 2 66
Headington, Oxford

mounted police in Jericho

81 items in total