Jericho coffee sign

Lumley's corner

Folder: Oxford
Jericho's tea and coffee ghost signs, and surrounding small shops

Jericho coffee sign

25 Dec 2009 1 7 407
Lumley's corner shop

Jericho tea sign

25 Dec 2009 1 413
Lumley's corner shop

Jericho ghosts

03 Aug 2006 1 56
Lumley's tea and coffee signs

Lumley's corner 2006

30 Aug 2006 3 360
Walton Street, Jericho

Lumley's Corner, Jericho

25 Apr 2007 1 27
before it was ruined by Oxford University

Jericho tea and coffee signs

21 Mar 2009 1 229
Walton Street, Oxford

Lumley's corner shop

25 Dec 2009 1 233
showing the old Jericho shop with its roofline unspoiled, and the neighbouring small shops still in situ

Jericho's old corner shop

25 Dec 2009 3 309
with the famous tea and coffee signs

Welcome to Jericho

25 Dec 2009 1 215
try George Lumley's half-crown tea

once in a Jericho blue moon

31 Dec 2009 1 193
Lumley's Corner and the Last Bookshop

Lumley's by night

31 Dec 2009 1 181
old corner shop in Jericho

urban street corner

24 Dec 2009 1 153
former Lumley's grocery shop in Jericho

zebra crossing on a snowy night

05 Jan 2010 1 215
Jericho, January 2010 freeze

snowy night in Jericho

05 Jan 2010 4 189
January 2010 freeze

City Barber in the snow

06 Jan 2010 1 162
Jericho, Oxford

long-gone Last Bookshop

11 Dec 2010 1 23
Jericho, Oxford

City Barbers

27 Oct 2010 1 172
Jericho, Oxford

old city corner on a snowy night

18 Dec 2010 1 167
Jericho, Oxford, December 2010 freeze

51 items in total