bell bollard


Rewley Road bollard

nice red bollard

05 Dec 2015 163
Manzil Way, Oxford

Totnes bollard

Horse Guards Parade

07 Oct 2014 2 165
Westminster, London

eye sight

07 Oct 2014 232
my first view of the London Eye

bollards to Lord Kitchener

07 Oct 2014 1 236
Horse Guards Parade, London

Lamb's Conduit Street

03 Dec 2014 170
Bloomsbury, London

bikes and bollards

03 Dec 2014 159
Bloomsbury, London

Perseverance pub

03 Dec 2014 333
Bloomsbury, London

London bollards

05 Dec 2014 1 238
Fleet Street, London

St Mary Aldermary

25 Feb 2015 1 18
City of London

K2 and bollard

25 Feb 2015 174
somewhere in the City of London

Thames Path bollards

25 Feb 2015 178
London riverside walk

City of London bollard

25 Feb 2015 5 130
St Mary at Hill, London

The Rose at Snowsfields

25 Feb 2015 1 306
London Bridge, Southwark

Crane Street bollard

20 May 2015 119
Greenwich, London

Crane Street

20 May 2015 2 153
Greenwich, London

pointed bollard

20 May 2015 1 143
Queen Square, London

79 items in total