pink may blossom


may by the riverside

11 May 2020 1 1 52
Thames Path near Binsey, Oxfordshire

riverside may

11 May 2020 1 1 36
River Thames near Oxford

may reflection by the river

07 May 2019 1 104
River Thames near Oxford

still a long way to London

11 May 2020 1 1 32
Fiddlers Island, Oxford

the noble hawthorn

05 Jun 2010 1 88
Port Meadow, Oxford

lying down by the river...

27 May 2012 3 103
Thames Path near Oxford

berries in the making

22 May 2011 3 98
Burgess Field nature reserve

hawthorn berries

summer hawthorn berries

misty morning hawthorn tree

16 Oct 2011 1 13
Thames Path, Binsey

October hawthorn

13 Oct 2012 1 151
Port Meadow, Oxford

shades of autumn hawthorn

riverside reflections in the fall

Thames Path in autumn

25 Oct 2015 1 133
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

fading hawthorn

25 Oct 2015 1 131
Fiddler's Island, Oxford

Port Meadow in flood

04 Dec 2009 1 48
Thames floodplain at Oxford

snowy landscape

08 Feb 2007 1 235
Binsey, Oxfordshire

winter sunset by my tree

76 items in total