spring in the churchyard


Kidlington war memorial

26 Mar 2019 2 65
Kidlington, Oxfordshire

churchyard tree

26 Mar 2019 1 88
Kidlington, Oxfordshire

St Mary's Church in spring

26 Mar 2019 1 1 86
Kidlington, Oxfordshire

St James Church, Little Paxton

06 Apr 2019 1 59
Huntingdonshire bus window shot

Buckden church and palace

06 Apr 2019 1 1 78
Buckden, Huntingdonshire

palace and churchyard

06 Apr 2019 1 1 55
Buckden, Huntingdonshire

St Mary's, Buckden

06 Apr 2019 1 1 99
Buckden, Huntingdonshire

Buckden war memorial

06 Apr 2019 1 2 92
Buckden, Huntingdonshire

St James' Church, Little Paxton

04 May 2019 1 102
Huntingdonshire bus window shot

St Mary's Church, Buckden

04 May 2019 2 116
Huntingdonshire bus window shot

Buckden village church

04 May 2019 1 2 118
Huntingdonshire bus window shot

St Leonard's Church, Streatham

14 Jun 2019 53
London bus window shot

Buckden churchyard

21 Sep 2019 1 1 113
Buckden, Huntingdonshire

south porch of St Mary's

21 Sep 2019 1 1 91
Buckden, Huntingdonshire

Buckden churchyard

21 Sep 2019 1 1 85
Buckden, Huntingdonshire

All Saints, Faringdon

12 Mar 2020 86
Faringdon, Oxfordshire

St Mary's in a blue sky

21 Sep 2019 1 1 118
Buckden, Huntingdonshire

All Saints and St George

03 Apr 2021 1 5 66
Durrngton, Wiltshire

233 items in total