what is "hate"?

free speech

Martyrs' Memorial

28 Aug 2006 5 368
momument to the Oxford Martyrs

a window of opportunity

04 Jun 2016 1 29 394
freedom from EU dictatorship

UK flag on the canalside

15 Jun 2016 2 355
Oxford Canal, Jericho

free speech event

speaking up for free speech

one law for all

seriously brown egg

03 Dec 2015 10 248
No, it didn't taste any better than the white ones, but they're all good eggs down at the Wednesday Market at Gloucester Green. Free range at a very reasonable price.

sticks and stones may break your bones...

01 Jul 2018 1 42 142
but WORDS must be reported

Chinese Whisper takeaway

31 Aug 2017 1 5 146
Wallingford, Oxfordshire

if liberty means anything...

09 Oct 2020 10 93
George Orwell

The Gagged George at Fordingbridge

03 Apr 2021 9 85
Hampshire bus window shot

during times of universal deceit...

09 Oct 2020 10 99
George Orwell

Covid 1984 - Wake Up!

03 Apr 2021 15 93
Dorset bus window shot

stripping you of your freedom

masks on the street

Covid 1984

09 Oct 2020 16 101
Oxford Freedom Rally

young voices at Bonn Square

11 Oct 2020 5 100
Oxford Freedom Rally

covid equals control

09 Oct 2020 21 82
Oxford Freedom Rally

42 items in total