St Martins lamppost

Central London WC1-WC2

Folder: London
please feel free to correct any mistakes

London flower stall

07 Oct 2014 1 212
Kingsway, London

London fruit stall

07 Oct 2014 1 1 259
Twyford Place, London

London telephone boxes

07 Oct 2014 222
Kingsway, London

Kingsway post box

01 Mar 2021 1 50
WC2B 64, Kingsway, London

scooter beats the bus

07 Oct 2014 175
Aldwych, London

Aldwych Theatre

07 Oct 2014 135
Drury Lane, London

Admiral Lord Nelson

07 Oct 2014 6 218
Trafalgar Square, London

side of St Martin's

07 Oct 2014 2 196
Trafalgar Square, London

view from a dosser's pew

07 Oct 2014 155
St Martin-in-the-Fields, London

evening light on the Grand

07 Oct 2014 166
Trafalgar Square, London

Nelson's Column

07 Oct 2014 3 293
Trafalgar Square, London

Norwegian Christmas Tree

02 Dec 2014 3 291
Trafalgar Square, London

back of St Martin's

02 Dec 2014 2 196
St Martin-in-the-Fields, London

London brollies

02 Dec 2014 5 324
I hadn't intended having the irate stallholder centre stage in my photograph. He was inconspicuously bent over in the background as I focused on the bright umbrella, but then he spotted me and deliberately walked into the picture. Stallholder: "You should have asked permission first." Me: "I don't have to. This is a public street." Stallholder: "Yes, you do. You're interfering with my rights and privileges." Me: "So are you telling me I've got to ask the Queen if I want to take a photo of Buckingham Palace?" Stallholder: "No, that's just ignorant." But thanks for the nice picture, Mr Market-Stall-outside-Holborn-Station. I would really love to buy your beautiful rainbow-coloured umbrella, but I'd be scared of poking someone's eye out.

Boswell Street

02 Dec 2014 104
Bloomsbury, London

Gage Street corner

02 Dec 2014 126
Bloomsbury, London

Boswell Street dome

02 Dec 2014 2 167
Bloomsbury, London

Royal London Homeopathic

02 Dec 2014 190
Bloomsbury, London

643 items in total