ugly Millbrook underpass

Surrey carbuncles

Folder: Surrey

60s-style Debenhams carbuncle

11 Nov 2017 2 95
Guildford, Surrey

Debenhams carbuncle

04 May 2018 1 84
Guildford, Surrey

Tunsgate carbuncles

03 May 2018 1 67
so sad what they've done to Guildford

abandoned town bridge

11 Nov 2017 1 103
Guildford, Surrey

ugly Millbrook underpass

11 Nov 2017 1 133
Guildford, Surrey

White Lion carbuncle

11 Nov 2017 102
incongruous White Lion Walk detracting from the charm of Guildford's old high street

ugly outline of Wey House

11 Nov 2017 119
Guildford, Surrey

ugly Friary Street frontage

11 Nov 2017 111
Guildford, Surrey

Sanofi carbuncle

03 May 2018 111
Surrey bus window shot

Guildford Park carbuncle

11 Nov 2017 144
Surrey bus window shot

constabulary carbuncle

11 Nov 2017 3 116
Guildford, Surrey

monstrous carbuncle

11 Nov 2017 121
rearing its ugly head like a venomous snake - not a nice approach to the once-beautiful town of Guildford

spoiling the view from the Mount

11 Nov 2017 1 140
Guildford, Surrey

Haydon Place carbuncle

11 Nov 2017 124
Guildford bus window shot

hope those trees grow quickly

11 Nov 2017 1 134
to hide the Waitrose car park

Woking carbuncles on horizon

04 May 2018 78
spoiling the view from Guildford Mount

architectural migraine attack

11 Nov 2017 162
Woking bus window shot

woeful Woking

11 Nov 2017 1 143
no wonder people get depressed

23 items in total