Boblin narrowboat

rubbish camera

ok for close-ups of boats but doesn't focus properly for scenes

plus colours unnatural - too much orange

cup of life not overflowing

05 Sep 2017 4 133
Oxford Street, London

The Enterprise

05 Sep 2017 40
Holborn, London

The Enterprise pub sign

05 Sep 2017 121
Holborn, London

Queens Head at Holborn

Lady Ottoline pub sign

05 Sep 2017 129
John Street, Holborn

Lady Ottoline at Holborn

05 Sep 2017 101
Northington Street, London

John Street crossing

05 Sep 2017 11
Holborn, London

John Street coal hole cover

05 Sep 2017 125
Holborn, London

John Street cover

05 Sep 2017 1 106
Holborn, London

The Blue Lion pub sign

05 Sep 2017 129
Holborn, London

The Blue Lion at Holborn

05 Sep 2017 4 140
Grays Inn Road, London

Calthorpe Arms pub sign

05 Sep 2017 3 114
Holborn, London

Calthorpe Arms at Clerkenwell

05 Sep 2017 1 101
Grays Inn Road, London

London Welsh Centre

Eastman Dental Institute

05 Sep 2017 79
Grays Inn Road, London

The Water Rats pub sign

05 Sep 2017 1 153
Grays Inn Road, London

Swinton Street

05 Sep 2017 9
Kings Cross, London

662 items in total