Trinity clock

Trinity College

Folder: Oxford
Oxford University

Trinity College Chapel

14 Sep 2019 1 1 76
Trinity College, Oxford University

Trinity Quad

06 Apr 2011 1 13
Trinity College, Oxford

Lodge Cottages

29 Jul 2012 1 1 17
Broad Street, Oxford

college doorway

06 Apr 2011 1 12
Trinity College, Oxford

college lamp

06 Apr 2011 1 10
Trinity College, Oxford

college walk

06 Apr 2011 1 21
Trinity College, Oxford

Trinity College chapel

06 Apr 2011 1 14
Trinity College, Oxford University

chapel ceiling

06 Apr 2011 1 1 15
Trinity College, Oxford University

Trinity chapel

10 Nov 2010 1 23
Trinity College, Oxford

Trinity narrowboat

14 Feb 2017 2 139
College Cruisers, Oxford

Trinity College garden

06 Aug 2012 1 10
Trinity College, Oxford University

Trinity and Balliol

13 Sep 2015 1 166
Broad Street from the Sheldonian cupola

Balliol Chapel

06 Apr 2011 1 16
east window seen from Trinity College, Oxford

Trinity figures and Balliol spire

13 Sep 2015 1 165
view from the Sheldonian cupola

beyond Trinity

13 Sep 2015 1 100
view from the Sheldonian cupola, Oxford

shadows on a loo door

06 Apr 2011 13
Trinity College, Oxford

Aly McLay stone

06 Apr 2011 15
Trinity College, Oxford

35 items in total