"Les parapluies de Cherbourg" de Jacques Demy  musique de Michel Legrand

Si on se faisait une toile?

films et digital art

Offerte à la clarté, baignée de certitude, Je me grise au soleil en toute plénitude Dans une éternité légère et voluptueuse

www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tk-30SBbyk0 "Adonnée à la mer qui porte son enfant, Je flotte entre deux eaux et me livre au courant, Souple poisson d'argent et algue bienheureuse. Offerte à la clarté, baignée de certitude, Je me grise au soleil en toute plénitude Dans une éternité légère et voluptueuse. "

26 Apr 2013

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1 997 visits

Nobody could see the pain I was feeling For I designed my mask to be laughing.

I was once sad and lonely, Having nobody to comfort me, So I wore a mask that always smiled; To hide my feelings behind a lie. Before long, I had many friends; With my mask, I was one of them. But deep inside, I still felt empty, Like I was missing a part of me. Nobody could hear my cries at night For I designed my mask to hide the lies. Nobody could see the pain I was feeling For I designed my mask to be laughing. Behind all the smiles were the tears And behind all the comfort were the fears. Everything you think you see, Wasn't everything there was to me. Day by day, I was slowly dying. I couldn't go on, There was something missing.. Until now I'm still searching For the thing that'll stop my crying. For someone who'll erase my fears, For the person who'll wipe my tears. But till then I'll keep on smiling. Hiding behind this mask I'm wearing. Hoping one day I can smile, Till then, I'll be here.. waiting.

05 Jul 2013

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1 559 visits


Un seul regard de tes prunelles De ta bouche, un sourire enfin, Et la vie deviendrait si belle…

273630 www.youtube.com/watch?v=VclRS7x0e38 S i tu étais, si tu venais O uvrir la porte de mon âme, L ire mes yeux, les deviner, I lluminés comme deux flammes, T out cet amour que je retiens, U n seul regard de tes prunelles D e ta bouche, un sourire enfin, E t la vie deviendrait si belle…

01 Aug 2013

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832 visits

Tu es une étoile que je veux Poser sur le velours de mon cœur.

4953815 www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2jfC9tgbyw J’avance mes mots Vers tes yeux, Le geste est insensé Mais le mouvement est beau. Tu es une étoile que j’ai cueillie Dans la prairie de la terre, Tu es une étoile que je veux Poser sur le velours de mon cœur.

02 Aug 2013

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1 153 visits

Mon coeur qui ne sait que t'aimer......

768352 www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZo_4pm6L_0 Je t´offre donc ce coeur qui ne sait que t´aimer Submergé, envahi d´un relent d´amertume, Injustement noyé en oubli sur l´écume Errant sur le chemin de son obscurité....

21 Oct 2013

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1 032 visits

In her eyes of ocean blue, l may fall into the abyss.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwLtjnNIS9M My Sweet's kisses are so soft and gentle,more exquisite than fine wine. Her slender fingers course through my hair,sending shivers down my spine.

29 Oct 2013

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2 602 visits

So lonely now!!

on black it's better! www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY62QByUYJQ&list=PLA4816627F27E4046 You must remember this A kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is just a sigh The fundamental things apply As time goes by And when two lovers woo They still say, "I love you" On that you can rely No matter what the future brings As time goes by Moonlight and love songs Never out of date Hearts full of passion Jealousy and hate Woman needs man And man must have his mate That no one can deny it's still the same old story A fight for love and glory A case of do or die The world will always welcome lovers As time goes by ----------------- Moonlight and love songs Never out of date Hearts full of passion Jealousy and hate Woman needs man And man must have his mate That no one can deny it's still the same old story A fight for love and glory A case of do or die The world will always welcome lovers As time goes by

29 Oct 2013

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1 820 visits

Mon feu follet... prête à bondir sur un de ses jouets

Recroped of course www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pex-uT6NJY4
134 items in total