
Phoenix Hills - 凤凰岭

Folder: China
Fenghuangling Scenic Spot (凤凰岭自然风景公园) is located in the outskirts of Haidian District, Beijing city area. Covering an area about 15.33 sq km, the park boasts beautiful natural scenery and historical relics.

The park boasts of a well-conserved ecological environment: green hills, clear water, blue sky, white clouds, rolling ridges, thick forests, winding trails, exotic flowers and rare trees.

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Phoenix Hills

Phoenix Hills

Phoenix Hills

Phoenix Hills

My dearest

A beautiful day

Y for YES

A rock will not stop blooming

Carrying poles to fix the railing

Cold, but sunny

Evening sunlight

Evening sunlight II.

Evening sunlight III.

Snowy cat

22 items in total