Detail of the logo


Folder: China
The 798 Art Space is located in Dashanzi, an area to the northeast of central Beijing. It was formerly a large state-owned enterprise built by the Russians in early 1959 as part of a war-reparations deal with Germany.

In 2002, artists and cultural organizations began using the space for design, photography, publishing, exhibitions, performance and art. They rented space in the factory and convert…  (read more)

Detail of the logo


Rubik was here


Sea of color

798 Factory

Fist of Art

Colours Exposed

04 Jul 2009 338
Multi Ethnic Human ZOO

English corner

Cez okno / Through a window

White maiden


04 Jul 2009 11 3 1561
Backstreets of the 798 Art Zone in Beijing

High times of Bram

Čínske haky-baky

We will go to heaven


04 Jul 2009 463
The nature of freedom lies within the realities of our time. Our sense of liberation or what’s left of it depends on our perspectives and on how or who gets to experience it. Today, freedom is a flashpoint: One person’s deliverance may be another’s chaos. Frequently, the act of freedom may be misleading. You think you are free but this delusional view of a nature, a sign we hear and see everyday in our mass media, socio-political protocols and aesthetics milieu, is altered and manifested through cross-pollination with culture and technology. more text: more visual about authors

.II modeerF

04 Jul 2009 310

60 items in total