m̌ ḫ's photos

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Us up there

02 Jul 2017 1 1 136
A guide offered us a rare opportunity to have a mutual picture in the lovely Bhutanese part of Himalaya. An excellent idea

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Snow pigeons

02 Jul 2017 158
The snow pigeon (Columba leuconota) is a species of bird in the Columba genus in the family Columbidae from hilly regions of central Asia. They are grey, black, pale brown and white birds, and two races are recognised; C. l. leuconota occurs in Afghanistan and the western Himalayas; C. l. gradaria occurs in the mountains of East Tibet and from East Nan Shan (Qinghai) to Yunnan. The birds forage in open country in pairs or small groups, feeding on grain, buds, shoots, berries and seeds. They roost at night on cliffs, breeding in crevices where they build untidy stick nests and lay a clutch of usually two white eggs. The International Union for Conservation of Nature has rated the bird's conservation status as being of "least concern".

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Passing Bhutan

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