SSC 01

Saturday Self-Challenge

Pictures I have submitted to the Saturday Self-Challenge Group or related to the images I have used for there.

SSC 01

29 Oct 2016 241
Just a placeholder image to use to describe my folder of Saturday Self-Challenge images.

Autumn For Me

27 Oct 2016 13 15 471
Autumn for me, first and foremost, is going back every year to this maple tree that is at the edge of my little town and photographing it when the leaves turn. I've been photographing it since 1979. I always look forward to it and then when I've taken that last shot, I find it hard to leave for another year. For the Saturday Self-Challenge Group - Autumn.

Still Life With Fruit

04 Nov 2016 11 13 567
Wherever my family lived, my late Mother's milk glass bowl of artificial fruit would grace the center of our dining room table. I decided to dig it out of retirement and use it for this shot. For the Saturday Self-Challenge group - frame within a frame.

Black Telephone, White Telephone

12 Nov 2016 4 11 371
One black telephone contrasted with one white telephone. For the Saturday Self-Challenge group - Contrast.


20 Nov 2016 1 2 300
I suppose I could have used some digital post processing to get my original image to look like this.

Half Pizza

26 Nov 2016 6 14 377
My computer has been down all week, still is. My shot is crappy and below is the complete, uncropped by half shot. Sorry for everything. I tried.

Whole Pizza

Third Of A Pizza

03 Dec 2016 6 16 360
I happened to be in a pizza parlor this week, (just like last week!) and figured this remaining third of a sausage, pepperoni and green olive pizza would be suitable for this week's challenge in the Saturday Self-Challenge group, whose theme this week was to invoke the "rule of thirds."

Christmas Treats In Stereo

17 Dec 2016 9 11 650
Some Christmas treats I baked and made. Best in "stereo," then it looks 3-D. For the Saturday Self-Challenge group - Holiday Foods.

It Came Upon A Midnight Clear

24 Dec 2016 2 4 280
The shot I wanted to do became impractical because it's been raining all week, so this was just a spur of the moment idea so I could have an entry to the Saturday Self-Challenge group, whose theme this week was long exposures. It was also to include a Christmas subject, if possible.

The Wakeford Place

20 Jan 2017 7 5 506
The Wakeford House was built in 1877 here in my town of Norris City, Illinois. The town itself wasn't incorporated until 1901, so I find the fact that this house is older than the town to be quite fascinating. As far as I know, it's the oldest house here. For the Saturday Self-Challenge group, who's theme this week was history.

Pretty Trees All In A Row

28 Jan 2017 2 3 286
I have this row of trees in my back yard that are almost like a fence. For the Saturday Self-Challenge group, who's theme this week was "Patterns."

Monroe Cleaners

04 Feb 2017 8 6 532
For the Saturday Self-Challenge group, who's theme this week was "Neon." I have to say, I found much more neon out there than I thought I would. This cleaner had their name up in lights and it fairly stood out, once I was looking for it!

Right On The Mark

18 Feb 2017 2 6 371
I barely was able to participate in this week's challenge. My computer has been giving me problems. First, my hard drive crashed. I got that fixed, then my monitor went out. I brought one down from the upstairs computer and got my computer running again. Then, the new hard drive crashed. I installed another one and it's going out. These computer problems are starting to get old! But, here is my photo for this week's challenge in the Saturday Self-Challenge group, who's theme this week was to take a photo of part of something and have the rest of the members try to guess what it is. For better or worse, here's my entry. I hope it comes close to the mark. Here's a link to see what this is: Here's what it is

Guitar Strap

19 Feb 2017 1 268
Some of the buttons and pins on my guitar strap. Reminds me of The Searchers. (Anybody remember "Needles and Pins?")

I Am The Walrus

25 Feb 2017 5 6 571
I bought this potato last week and I think it looks like a walrus. For the Saturday Self-Challenge group, who's theme this week was "Curves."

146 items in total