Camel Rock

Shawnee National Forest

Located in Southern Illinois, Shawnee National Forest has many destinations: The Garden Of The Gods, Rim Rock, Burden Falls, High Knob, Pounds Hollow, Bell Smith Springs, Giant City Park and many more. I've been visiting this scenic wonderland since 1976, so the pictures will span from then until the present time.

Camel Rock

18 Oct 2014 1 4 791
Camel Rock, located at the Garden of the Gods in Shawnee National Forest. It really looks like a camel and is one of the most visited places in the Shawnee National Forest. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Kodak Gold 100 35mm Date: October 27th, 1989 Location: Garden of The Gods, Shawnee National Forest, Hardin County, U.S.A. Shawnee 1989 3M 23-2gf

Garden Of The Gods

24 Apr 2018 2 1 295
Some of the magnificent and extremely old rock formations found at the Garden of the Gods Park, located in the Shawnee National Forest. It was just after a brief rain shower, so there are still some darker clouds showing. There were a couple eagles flying overhead and I happened to spot this one while taking a break on the trail and waited for him to get in a good position.

Garden Of The Gods

22 Jul 2013 2 445
One of the many panoramic views from Observation Trail along the Garden Of The Gods, located in the Shawnee National Forest. It was raining on and off all day and you can see one of these little showers developing off to the right of the image. Still, it didn't dampen the spirits of the few other groups of people who were out on this day to see the rock formations that millions of years ago sat at the bottom of an ocean. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.7 Filter: Hoya HMC 55mm Skylight (1B) Film: Kodak Gold 200 ISO color 35mm film Shooting program: O (manual) Aperture: F/8 Shutter speed: 1/100 sec. Date: July 9th, 2010, 2:40 p.m. Location: Garden Of The Gods, Saline County, Illinois, U.S.A.

Garden Vista

22 Jul 2013 1 506
One of the many scenic overlooks that Garden Of The Gods offers. The gnarled, old tree kind of makes it look like Yosemite or somewhere like that to me. Converted to black and white from color original. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.7 Filter: Hoya HMC 55mm Skylight (1B) Film: Kodak Gold 200 color 35mm film (converted to black and white) Shooting program: "O" (manual) Aperture: F/8 Shutter speed: 1/100 sec. Date: July 9th, 2010, 3:03 p.m. Location: Garden of the Gods, Shawnee National Forest, Illinois, U.S.A.

The Devil's Smokestack

13 Aug 2016 1 1 713
This is a rock formation found at the Garden of the Gods park, called The Devil's Smokestack. This is part of the Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: 3M Scotch Color AT 100, 100 ASA 35mm Date: October 27th, 1989 Location: Shawnee National Forest, Garden Of The Gods, Southern Illinois, U.S.A. Shawnee 1989 3M Roll 2 03ef

Pounds Hollow

31 Aug 2013 288
Located in the Garden Of The Gods park in the Shawnee National Forest area of Southern Illinois. This is Pounds Hollow, a popular swimming area.


14 Nov 2013 2 280
The moon coming up over The Garden Of The Gods, located in Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois.

Garden Of The Gods

Bell Smith Springs Stone Stairs

07 Apr 2014 1 1 382
The stone stairway cut into the natural rock leading down into Bell Smith Springs. They were fairly steep and not very wide in spots. Plus, on the way down, I found out by nearly falling that one of the steps had a stone missing on the leading edge. They were much easier to go back up them than coming down, I thought. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.7 Filter: Hoya HMC 55mm Skylight (1B) Film: Kodak Gold 100 color 35mm film Shooting program: Aperture priority Aperture: F/5.6 Shutter speed: 1/10 sec. Date: July 9th, 2010, 11:32 a.m. Location: Bell Smith Springs, Hardin County, Illinois, U.S.A. Bell Smith Springs Stairs 1df

Bell Smith Springs Rock Formation

07 Apr 2014 381
This is a part of the Shawnee National Forest area known as Bell Smith Springs. I had travelled here in hopes of being able to photograph the gorgeous waterfalls that are featured here, the whole area of which I've heard is in one of the most beautiful and scenic locations in America. Unfortunately, the falls were dry and not running. But the rock formations created years ago when this whole area was at the bottom of the ocean were still magnificent. There were tiny rivulets of water that dripped down from above on these rocks and a few that seeped out from places showing in the photograph and the ground was continually damp because of this water flow. I had never been to this particular area before, but I found it to be quite charming although very hard to reach! To get to this particular vista, after following a winding path down the side of a hill for a quarter of a mile or so, one had to go down about three straight flights of stairs made out of natural rock from the area, and at times, no more than 2 feet wide in spots. But it was worth it to discover this hidden little valley. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.7 Filter: Hoya HMC 55mm Skylight (1B) Film: Kodak Gold 100 color 35mm film Shooting program: Aperture priority Aperture: F/16 Shutter speed: 1 sec. Date: July 9th, 2010, 10:36 a.m. Location: Bell Smith Springs, Pope County, Illinois, U.S.A. Bell Smith Springs Rock 3df

Bell Smith Springs

19 Sep 2014 2 541
A shot of one of the many streams located in the Shawnee National Forest. This one runs through Bell Smith Springs. Camera: Konica Minolta Zoom 60 Date Film: Konica Minolta VX 400 Super (expired on 02/2007) Zoom Lens: 35-60mm, @35mm Date: September 18th, 2014, 12.57 p.m. Location: Pope County, Illinois, U.S.A. KM Zoom KM400 18kf

Bell Smith Springs

20 Sep 2014 16 19 761
A shot of one of the many streams located in the Shawnee National Forest. This one runs through Bell Smith Springs and is located about 30 miles from my home. The leaves were just starting to turn in places - I'll bet it will be beautiful in a couple two or three weeks. I was trying out my new (used) Konica Minolta Zoom 60 Date for the first time with this roll of film. For The Sunday Challenge group, who's theme this week was "Water." A lake, a river, an ocean, a waterfall, a water drop on a flower.... your drink on the table. Camera: Konica Minolta Zoom 60 Date Film: Konica Minolta VX 400 Super (expired on 02/2007) Zoom Lens: 35-60mm, @60mm Date: September 18th, 2014, 1.06 p.m. Location: Pope County, Illinois, U.S.A. KM Zoom KM400 21df

Burden Falls

21 Sep 2014 1 311
Burden Falls is a waterfall located about 30 miles from my home and when it's running, it's the best waterfall in Illinois. However, when I saw it on Thursday, it was just a tiny trickle.

High Knob

18 Oct 2014 391
A plaque located at the Shawnee National Forest. It commemorates the golden jubille of the Daughters Of The American Revolution and the Illinois chapter who reforested 1000 acres in the forest. It was dedicated on October 5th, 1940. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Kodak Gold 100 35mm Date: October 23rd, 1993 Location: High Knob, Shawnee National Forest, Gallatin County, U.S.A. XD11 Gold100 Shawnee1993 21ff


27 May 2014 3 1 412
Taken in the Shawnee National Forest, around the Pounds Hollow area. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm F/1.2 Lens Film: 3M Scotchcolor 100 ASA (CP 100) Date: October 1989 Location: Shawnee National Forest, Illinois, U.S.A. Shawnee 4b-2df

Pounds Hollow At Autumn

22 Oct 2014 1 2 423
This is Pounds Hollow, a popular swimming and picnicing location in the Shawnee National Forest. Camera: Minolta XD11 Lens: Minolta MD Rokkor-X 50mm, f/1.2 Film: Kodak Gold 100 35mm Date: October 23rd, 1993 Location: Pounds Hollow, Shawnee National Forest, Gallatin County, U.S.A. XD11 Gold100 Shawnee1993 06ff

All Right.... I Don't Wanna Hear Any Cracks About…

29 Apr 2014 1 1 343
Taken at Pounds Hollow, circa 1978. I used a Konica camera and lens. Camera: Konica Autoreflex TC Lens: Konica Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7 Film: Kodak Kodacolor 100 Date: 1978 Location: Pounds Hollow, Shawnee National Forest, Southern Illinois, U.S.A. Konica TC Pounds Hollow - 21-3gf

Pope County, Illinois

19 Sep 2014 1 1 471
There's nothing like a quite country road with no other traffic. All I saw on this road was a deer. Another shot from yesterday, September 18th, 2014, when I was exploring around Pope County, Illinois

36 items in total