Bell & Howell BF35

Bell + Howell BF35

An interesting plastic 35mm camera I picked up for probably $1. The Bell and Howell names lives on, but I don't think this is the original company that made quality movie projectors.

Bell & Howell BF35

20 Sep 2013 1 245
From what little information I can find out about this camera, it first appeared around 2000. So that would make it a fairly new camera.

Bringing In The Sheaves

29 Sep 2020 118
It's getting that time of year again when decorations for Fall start appearing. Camera: Bell+Howell BF35 Lens: Plastic 35mm Film: Fuji Film 200 Aperture: f/7.7 Shutter Speed: 1/100th of a sec. Date: October 17th, 2015, 3.22 p.m. Location: Harmonie State Park, Indiana, U.S.A. B+H Fuji 200 01ef


15 Jul 2016 297
I'm not sure what this curvy thing is, but it reminds me of a lacrosse paddle or whatever they call it. It might be something used to play games in pools, as it was hanging on a fence next to a swimming pool. Taken with my "inexpensive" Bell + Howell BF35 point and shoot 35mm camera and Fuji 200 film and shot at Harmonie State Park in Indiana on October 17th, 2015. I just had 10 rolls of film developed at The Darkroom and they came back today. B+H Fuji 200 04df


16 Jul 2016 1 272
I'm not sure what this curvy symbol is, but it sure was "mysterious." Taken with my "inexpensive" (read: cheap plastic) Bell + Howell BF35 point and shoot 35mm camera and Fuji 200 film and shot at Harmonie State Park in Indiana on October 17th, 2015. I just had 10 rolls of film developed at The Darkroom and they came back yesterday B+H Fuji 200 13ef