Minolta Freedom Dual

Minolta Freedom Dual

Just a little point and shoot Minolta I picked up at a resale shop.

Minolta Freedom Dual

Riding Mower

05 Sep 2014 1 1 359
My riding mower standing in as a model for a little point and shoot Minolta I was trying out the other day. Camera: Minolta Freedom Dual Zoom Setting: 35mm (35mm/50mm) Film: Ilford Delta 100 Professional 35mm Date: September 3rd, 2014, 1.47 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developed in Adox Adonal: 1:100, 1 hour stand Fixer: Ilford Hypam, 7 mins. Minolta Dual Ilford Delta 00df


21 Feb 2018 321
Some interesting clouds around my house the day I tested this little Minolta camera. Camera: Minolta Freedom Dual Zoom Setting: 50mm (35mm/50mm) Film: Ilford Delta 100 Professional Date: September 3rd, 2014, 1.48 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developed in Adox Adonal: 1:100, 1 hour stand Fixer: Ilford Hypam, 7 mins. Minolta Dual Ilford Delta 0ef

It's A Wonderful Day In My Neighborhood

21 Feb 2018 350
A view of my pleasant neighborhood right across the street from where I live. I no longer have this view because somebody plopped a pre-manufactured house down right across from me - ugh! Camera: Minolta Freedom Dual Zoom Setting: 35mm (35mm/50mm) Film: Ilford Delta 100 Professional Date: September 3rd, 2014, 2.01 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developed in Adox Adonal: 1:100, 1 hour stand Fixer: Ilford Hypam, 7 mins. Minolta Dual Ilford Delta 04ef

Weeping Willow Tree

21 Feb 2018 319
My neighbor's willow tree. Hurrican Ike came through a few years back and really damaged it. They ended up having to cut it down. Camera: Minolta Freedom Dual Zoom Setting: 35mm (35mm/50mm) Film: Ilford Delta 100 Professional Date: September 3rd, 2014, 2.13 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developed in Adox Adonal: 1:100, 1 hour stand Fixer: Ilford Hypam, 7 mins. Minolta Dual Ilford Delta 09ef

Tim And Ginger

12 May 2015 1 391
My friends and neighbors, Tim and Ginger. Camera: Minolta Freedom Dual Zoom Setting: 50mm (35mm/50mm) Film: Ilford Delta 100 Professional Date: September 3rd, 2014, 2.37 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developed in Adox Adonal: 1:100, 1 hour stand Fixer: Ilford Hypam, 7 mins. Minolta Dual Ilford Delta 15ef

The Pause That Refreshes

28 Aug 2020 168
Somebody's can in my yard. Camera: Minolta Freedom Dual Zoom Setting: 50mm (35mm/50mm) Film: Ilford Delta 100 Professional Date: September 3rd, 2014, 2.48 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developed in Adox Adonal: 1:100, 1 hour stand Fixer: Ilford Hypam, 7 mins. Minolta Dual Ilford Delta 17df

Mimmo's Pizza

04 Sep 2014 3 2 353
The local pizza parlor, taken with a little point and shoot Minolta. Camera: Minolta Freedom Dual Zoom Setting: 35mm (35mm/50mm) Film: Ilford Delta 100 Professional Date: September 3rd, 2014, 3.07 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developed in Adox Adonal: 1:100, 1 hour stand Fixer: Ilford Hypam, 7 mins. Minolta Dual Ilford Delta 21ef

410 West Main Street

17 Dec 2017 354
My neighbors across the stree bought this house right next to their house. Camera: Minolta Freedom Dual Zoom Setting: 35mm (35mm/50mm) Film: Ilford Delta 100 Professional Date: September 3rd, 2014, 3.16 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developed in Adox Adonal: 1:100, 1 hour stand Fixer: Ilford Hypam, 7 mins. Minolta Dual Ilford Delta 22df