Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts Postcard


Various postcards from my collection. I have a lot that I inherited from my Grandmother on Mom's side and my Mom's Aunt and Uncle. Aunt Loreas and Uncle Vernon did a lot of travelling and sometimes invited Loreas' sister, my Mom's Mom along with them. And wherever they went, they invariably bought postcards. So, whenever I go somewhere, I always buy postcards to commemorate the event as well. …  (read more)

Alamo Plaza Hotel Courts Postcard

29 May 2014 2 275
I think my great Aunt and Uncle Loreas and Vernon probably stayed at this place back in the 1960's.

A Couple Of Skirts

24 May 2019 176
To get this joke, you have to know that a slang term for women back in the 1930s and 1940s was a "skirt." This postcard was sent to my Great Grandmother Ella Mae Garrett on January 12th, 1945. I love humorous old post cards. One of the post cards in my late Mother's collection.

Coronado Inn, Clifton, Arizona

14 Apr 2014 2 297
A photo postcard of a place my family stopped at for a Coco-Cola on August 22nd, 1966. From the writing on the back of it, it looks like my Grandmother Wright, Mom's mom was there with us.

The El Camino Motel

06 Oct 2014 1 1 306
An old postcard depicting the El Camino Motel, located in Tucson, Arizona. It featured moderated rates, heated pool, cooled by refrigeration, kitchenettes and was only three minutes from downtown Tucson. Apparently, my Great Aunt and Uncle Loreas and Vernon stayed there for one night on September 22nd, 1969, and that's to when this postcard dates. And apparently, there was also a guy that held a woman hostage here at this hotel and tortured her brutally. Don't know which room it was - so you might want to ask about that at the front desk before checking in!

The Capri Motel and Cafe

21 Aug 2014 228
A place my Great Aunt Loreas and Great Uncle Vernon stayed at sometime during their travels back in the 1960's or so.


21 Aug 2014 2 1 298
I picked this vintage-style Coca-Cola postcard up in Vicksburg, Mississippi, where the cola was first bottled.

Bob Wills Postcard

21 Aug 2014 239
This is a scan of a postcard that was in my Aunt's collection. My Mom's sister Maggie.

Bowery Card

21 Aug 2014 1 206
I found this card in a used book I bought.

Florida Postcard

21 Aug 2014 2 228
This postcard is from when I lived in Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

Graham Mountains Near Safford, Arizona

21 Aug 2014 1 294
When I lived in Safford, Arizona, we moved out past the edge of town and this was essentially what the view from our back yard looked like. We opened up desert land and built our house on it.

Holiday Inn In Muddy, Illinois

21 Aug 2014 1 2 312
My family stayed here once.

Greetings From Texas

21 Aug 2014 249
My family went through Texas many times.

Devil's Tower Postcard

23 Mar 2014 1 218
My sister bought this postcard for me. She knew one of my favorite movies is Close Encounters of the Third Kind and it features this distinctive landmark prominently.

City Of Rocks Postcard

25 May 2015 227
An old postcard in my collection. I'll bet my Great Aunt and Uncle went there sometime or another. They were the great family travellers.

Desert Sweethearts

25 May 2015 1 221
A cute, old postcard dedicated to that hardy desert animal.

Florida Postcard

25 May 2015 238
This postcard pretty much sums up my thoughts about Florida - I love it for just these reasons.

Hot Springs Postcard

25 May 2015 216
Greetings from Hot Springs postcard.

Kentucky Postcard

25 May 2015 225
Greetings from Kentucky postcard.

37 items in total