Minolta AF 101R

Minolta AF 101R

Pictures taken with my little point and shoot Minolta AF 101R.

Minolta AF 101R

20 Sep 2013 534
A little Minolta point and shoot I picked up for a dollar or two most likely.


27 Aug 2019 1 1 353
A local mansion. Camera: Minolta AF101R Lens: 28mm, f/5.6 Film: Kodak Gold 200 Date: March 31st, 2008 Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Minolta AF101R Kodak Gold 200 2008 0ff

The Mansion

17 Mar 2014 1 231
One of the biggest houses in my town of Norris City, Illinois. Coverted to black and white in Adobe. Taken with one of my little point and shot cameras, a Minolta AF 101R. AF101R 01gf

Norris City Reservoir

17 Mar 2014 238
This is the reservoir just outside my town of Norris City, Illinois. Taken with one of my little point and shot cameras, a Minolta AF 101R. AF101R 07cf

1991 Ford Thunderbird LX

31 Mar 2008 3 278
This was the 1991 Ford Thunderbird I used to have. I really miss that car! Camera: Minolta AF101R Film: Kodak Gold 200 Lens: 28mm, f/5.6 Date: March 31st, 2008, 12.04 p.m. Location: Norris City, Illinois, U.S.A. Minolta AF101R Kodak Gold 200 2008 09ff

Church Sign

17 Mar 2014 256
This is the sign out front of a local Baptist church in my town of Norris City, Illinois. Taken with one of my little point and shot cameras, a Minolta AF 101R. AF101R 02gf