Kodak EasyShare M1073 IS

Kodak EasyShare M1073 IS

A little digital point and shoot camera that was given to me. It didn't work because water was spilled on it. I took it apart and got it to work, all except the viewscreen, which stayed blank. So, to shoot with it, I just have to aim it and take my "best guess" shot. When I get the aim right, it takes pretty decent pictures. After all, it is 10.2 megapixels.

Kodak EasyShare M1073 IS

20 Sep 2013 286
This camera was given to me as it didn't work. Their kid spilled liquid in it. But, I did manage to fix it so that it would take pictures - it's just that the screen on back doesn't work. And since there is no actual viewfinder to look through to compose the picture, you just have to point it and hope for the best. Now retired as I got a new Sony pocket camera like this for Christmas.

Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer

23 Sep 2013 255
It finally cleared up and I could take my new (new to me, anyway) little Kodak EasyShare M1073 IS point and shoot digital camera outside and see how it did. This is Rudolph, with all the other reindeer, in front of Santa's House, in Carmi, Illinois.

Big John The Littlest Giant

23 Sep 2013 1 241
It finally cleared up and I could take my new (new to me, anyway) little Kodak EasyShare M1073 IS point and shoot outside and see how it did. This is another shot of the Little Giant statue, in Carmi, Illinois.

Kemo Sabe

14 Mar 2023 1 2 56
Taken with my Kodak Easy Share M1073 IS digital point and shoot camera on December 22nd, 2012. Picture 054ef


14 Mar 2023 1 38
Taken while at a Red Lobster restaurant back on December 27th, 2012. I used my Kodak Easy Share M1073 IS digital point and shoot camera. Picture 186cf

Crunch-Fried Fish Sandwich

23 Sep 2013 1 282
I had lunch at Red Lobster a while back when I was over at Fairview Heights near St. Louis to see a movie and do some shopping. This is the Crunch-Fried fish sandwich, but I had the Shrimp Linguini Alfredo. It was all very tasty! Taken with a Kodak EasyShare M1073 IS digital point and shoot camera that doesn't have a real viewfinder.

Happy Birthday! You're Two Now

30 Mar 2023 49
A birthday party I attended back in 2012. Taken with my Kodak Easy Share M1073 IS on December 28th, 2012. Kodak M1073 240cf

'59 Cadillac Barbie

23 Sep 2013 253
I was out doing some Christmas shopping this weekend for an 8 year old when I saw the new Barbies. Are the '59 Cadillac bullet Barbies a thing of the past? Looks like she's had breast reduction surgery.


16 Apr 2014 275
This was taken in Springfield, the capital of Illinois. Taken on May 2nd, 2013.

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum

25 Jun 2023 1 60
This is the entrance to the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum, located in Springfield, Illinois. Taken on May 3rd, 2013, with my Kodak Easy Share M1073 IS point and shoot digital camera.

New Kitchen

25 May 2015 1 297
This is one of the kitchen displays I saw in a big-box home improvement warehouse. I sure wish I could get a new kitchen! But, I just don't have the space in my old kitchen to do anything with it. I sure wish I could get a new house! Taken with a Kodak EasyShare M1073 IS point and shoot digital camera, on June 26th, 2013. 100 0318 1df

Coming In For A Touchdown

18 Jun 2019 1 218
This balloon just came down lightly and kissed the surface of the water. Seen at the Balloon Fest in Centralia, Illinois, held on August 16th and 17th, 2013.

Dairy Days 2013

16 Apr 2016 5 1 270
Taken at our local street fair in 2013.