Eastern-Tailed Blue


These are some of the different species of butterflies I can see around my yard, plus a few from butterfly houses I've visited.

Monarch Butterfly

19 Aug 2013 1 1 295
I happened to catch this pristine beauty while the Indianapolis 500 was on rain delay one year. There wasn't a mark on her.

Eastern-Tailed Blue

19 Aug 2013 5 7 372
An Eastern-Tailed Blue butterfly caught in the early morning light.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Male

17 Aug 2014 1 2 243
This male must have just emerged, for it didn't have a mark on him and sat there for quite some time before moving.

American Lady

19 Aug 2013 2 2 231
I was lying on my stomach to get this shot of an American Lady butterfly against the sky.

Common Buckeye Butterfly

19 Aug 2013 1 261
To be called common, I think these Common Buckeyes are oh, so stunning in their markings.

Dainty Sulphur

19 Aug 2013 1 254
This Dainty Sulphur butterfly is less than a half-inch high.

Gray Hairstreak

19 Aug 2013 1 251
The tails on these Gray Hairstreaks are small but apparently they fool birds into thinking they're antennae.

Fiery Skipper Butterfly

17 Apr 2014 1 271
This male was sitting on red clover.

Little Yellow

10 Aug 2023 4 275
These tiny Little Yellow butterflies are quite pretty.

Question Mark

19 Aug 2013 2 1 231
There really is a small question mark symbol on the outside wings of a Question Mark butterfly.

Red-Spotted Purple Admiral

19 Aug 2013 2 1 257
This resting Red-Spotted Purple Admiral butterfly was the reason I started photographing butterrlies.

Zabulon Skipper Butterfly In Flight

19 Aug 2013 255
I happened to catch this male Zabulon Skipper butterfly in flight.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

19 Aug 2013 1 253
The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is my favorite butterfly.

Red-Spotted Purple Admiral

19 Aug 2013 2 1 268
Another Red-Spotted Purple Admiral.

Viceroy Butterfly

05 Mar 2014 1 2 315
This butterfly must have been resting, because it sat there long enough for me to get this shot.

Limenitis archippus archippus

12 Mar 2014 1 234
This is a sub-species of the Viceroy butterfly, found here in Southern Illinois and called "Limenitis archippus archippus." It differs from a regular Limenitis archippus in that it has an almost total lack of the post-medial black line along the back of the wing.

Red Admiral Butterfly

07 Apr 2014 245
Every Summer, I always have some Red Admiral butterflies, (Vanessa atalanta), take up residence in my backyard. And the males, like this one, always have to check me out when I invade their "turf."

Female Cabbage White Butterfly

09 Apr 2014 276
A Cabbage White butterfly, showing a stance that female specimens will sometimes adopt to prevent males from getting near them. It's like the human species when the wife says she has a headache.

65 items in total