Astrum Foto 200

Astrum Film

Astrum film is made in Ukraine and I really like the way it looks. It's black and white film and has such nice tones. Although lately, they seem to have purchased the right to use the "Svema" name, (a defunct film producer), and now when you buy their film, they send Svema. I haven't tried any of the Svema yet, but I hope it's actually the same emulsion as the Astrum.

Astrum Foto 200

25 Feb 2022 1 1 50
I really like the way this Astrum 200 black and white film looks. I need to buy some more of it, but I just realized Astrum is made in the Ukraine. Those poor people are going through an invasion right now. I feel sorry for them.

Astrum Foto 200

25 Feb 2022 1 1 58
I really like the way this Astrum 200 black and white film looks! I need to buy some more of it, but I just realized Astrum is made in the Ukraine. Those poor people are going through an invasion right now. I feel sorry for them.

Astrum 200 Film

23 Apr 2018 3 334
Some Astrum 200 black and white film I got from the Ukraine recently. I can't wait to try a roll out.

Svema FN64

22 Apr 2022 2 56
I've always loved shooting with slow film and this Svema 64 promises to be just what I want. The company used to be called Astrum, but apparently, they adopted the defunct Russian film company's name.

Svema Foto 100

23 Apr 2022 60
My favorite speed for black and white film has always been 100 ASA/ISO. This Svema film is made by the same company that, up until recently, was known as "Astrum." Since I had only tried their 200 speed black and white film before, and liked it a lot, I had to try their 100 speed as well. I'll bet it will work as good as their other film I've tried.

Svema Foto 400

28 Apr 2022 64
I've tried some of the 200 speed, and bought some of the 64 and 100 speed, so I thought I might as well get some of the 400 speed to try that out as well.

Svema Black and White Film

18 May 2022 68
The lastest batch of black and white film I bought. It used to be called Astrum, but the company seems to have changed their name to Svema.

Stone Bridge

03 Oct 2020 1 2 237
A solid stone bridge located at the Paul Emery Park in Harrisburg. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 2.24 p.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 23ef


01 Oct 2020 3 203
This is Kim and she’s standing in front of her place, ManCave Barbershop. It’s located in Harrisburg, Illinois and we had a good chat and she was good enough to pose for me. October is International Communist Camera Days, a group on Flickr and I was out and about shooting with a Russian camera loaded with Russian film because of it. Since it was October 1st, it was also International Film Buying Day, so I was sure to buy some film today, as well as shooting with it. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/500 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 2.44 p.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 25ff

El Camino

01 Oct 2020 2 2 140
I was sitting at the Sonic Drive-In when I heard this Chevy El Camino coming before I saw it. It parked and I hopped out to get a quick shot of it. It's a good thing I did, because a couple seconds later, another car came in and parked between us. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 3.35 p.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 32df


02 Oct 2020 1 202
This building had four different such dog paintings on alternate windows across the face of it. Each painting was of a different kind of dog. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Tele-Converter: Montgomery Ward Auto 2X Tele-Converter Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 1.40 p.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 15ef


02 Oct 2020 9 15 248
These four ducks were part of a flock of eight that were hanging together at the Paul Emery Park yesterday. For the Saturday Self-Challenge group, who's theme this week was "Unity."

Fountain At The Park

03 Oct 2020 1 194
This was a fountain I saw at the Paul Emery Park on Thursday. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 2.08 p.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 21ef

Absolutely Fabulous

18 Sep 2021 113
In 1963, George Harrison played at this Veterans of Foreign Wars club, located in Eldorado, Illinois. He was visiting his sister, who lived in nearby Benton, Illinois and she took him out to this club. He sat in with the band that was playing that night, The Four Vests. I've also played on that stage many times, with some of the bands I've been in. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 11.53 a.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 06ff

Stone Bridge At The Park

01 Oct 2021 140
This is the Paul Emery Park, located in Harrisburg, Illinois. It has a nice stone bridge. October is International Communist Camera Days, and on October 1st, it's also International Film Buying Day, so I was sure to buy some film today, as well as shooting with it. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 1.50 p.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 16ef

Duck Duck Go

01 Oct 2021 139
A friendly duck in the pond at Paul Emery Park, located in Harrisburg, Illinois October is International Communist Camera Days, and on October 1st, it's also International Film Buying Day, so I was sure to buy some film today, as well as shooting with it. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/125 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 2.04 p.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 20ff

The Great Pumpkin

01 Oct 2021 1 137
This tank was painted up to look like a jack-o-lantern. October is International Communist Camera Days, and on October 1st, it's also International Film Buying Day, so I was sure to buy some film today, as well as shooting with it. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/500 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 11.35.m. Location: Texas City, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 03ff

Ice Cream Cone

01 Oct 2021 94
I wouldn't mind having an ice cream this size. Camera: Zenit ET (Made in Russia in 1984) Lens: Auto Sears 50mm, f/1.7 (Made in Japan) Film: Astrum Foto 200 B&W (expired 01/19) Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec. Date: October 1st, 2020, 12.43 p.m. Location: Harrisburg, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals: 2 minute presoak Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 1 minute water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 1 minute water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 3 inversions every 30 seconds 2 minutes water rinse 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 1 minute Zenit-1 Astrum 200 ICCD2020 09ff

27 items in total