Kodak Water & Sport One-Time-Use Camera

Kodak Water and Sport One-Time-Use Camera

A disposable underwater camera that I got from my sister. She had about a half dozen disposables that had been shot, but not developed. I had the film developed, gave her the prints and kept the cameras.

Kodak Water & Sport One-Time-Use Camera

20 Sep 2013 1 215
I inherited this disposable camera from my sister. I had the old roll of film in it developed and then kept the camera to try and reuse.


30 Dec 2021 123
The Carmi Middle School Bullpup mascot. This was taken in a disposable camera that I had reloaded with some black and white film. Camera: Kodak Water & Sport One-Time-Use camera Lens: Ektanar 2-element plastic lens Film: Fuji Film Neopan Acros 100 Aperture: F/11 Shutter Speed: 1/100 sec. Date: November 26th, 2016, 11.49 a.m. Location: Carmi, Illinois, U.S.A. Developing chemicals Adox Adonal stand developing 1:150 - 1 1/2 hour (2/3 tsp. of Adonal/500 ml. water) Water Rinse: 1 min. Ilford Ilfostop Stopbath: 1 min. Water Rinse: 1 min. Ilford Hypam Fixer: 8 mins. Water Rinse: 1 min. Kodak W&S Fuji Acros 100 2019 01gf