Hula Hoop Girl

Found Film

Various images I've found when I've bought a used camera and there was still some film in it from the last owner.

Hula Hoop Girl

29 Aug 2014 324
This was some found film in an old Jiffy Kodak Series II 620 camera I bought a couple years back at the local antique store. I think they were shot around 1964 and I just had the film developed by Film Rescue International. They do great work! Don't know who the girl is, or the other two kids that were on the roll. Jiffy Kodak C-22 03-2ef

Easter Parade

20 Jan 2020 1 1 281
This was one of eight images on a roll of film I found inside an old Jiffy Kodak Series II 620 camera downtown at one of the local antique stores. All eight images were of children, but this one was the only one of this particular dark-haired girl. The rest of the pictures were of a girl and boy, some together and some apart. I don't know who any of them were, but the film sat in the camera for probably over 50 years undeveloped. I had the film developed by Film Rescue International, and although the edges were fogged, they still did a great job and magaged to pull out some images. I had to do quite a bit of work to lessen the effects of the deterioration on the negatives. I cleaned it up first, lightened it up, straightened it slightly and then finally cropped it a little. I'd say the images were shot around 1964 and they look to have been taken around Easter because of what the kids are wearing in some of the shots. I believe the film was Kodak Kodacolor-X. Jiffy Kodak C-22 01jf

Dutch Wonderland - Found Film

08 May 2018 3 1 380
This is an image from a roll of found film I got when I bought a camera from one of the downtown antique stores. I don't know when the pictures were taken, but they look to be from the 1970s. On another one of the negatives, the name "Dutch Wonderland" and "Lancaster, Pennsylvania" can be clearly seen. I looked it up and it's a theme park that was opened in 1963 and is still open, and is located just east of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The pictures are situated on the negatives in such a way that the film spooled from up and down, not left and right. Developing chemicals: Presoak in 20°C/68.0°F water Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 2 minutes water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 2 minutes water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 5 second gentle agitation each minute 2 minutes rinse in water 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 60 seconds Kodak Verichrome Pan Found Film 10ef

Amish Buggy - Found Film

08 May 2018 1 2 327
This is an image from a roll of found film I got when I bought a camera from one of the downtown antique stores. I don't know when the pictures were taken, but they look to be from the 1970s. On another one of the negatives, the name "Dutch Wonderland" and "Lancaster, Pennsylvania" can be clearly seen. I looked it up and it's a theme park that was opened in 1963 and is still open, and is located just east of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The pictures are situated on the negatives in such a way that the film spooled from up and down, not left and right. This particular image was straightened and cropped to remove some of the bad part of the negative on both sides. Developing chemicals: Presoak in 20°C/68.0°F water Adox Adonal 1+50 (500ml water, 2 tsp. Adox Adonal) for 15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F 15 second initial agitation, then 5 second gentle (wine glass swirl) agitation each minute 2 minutes water rinse Ilford lfostop, 30 second agitation, 30 second stand 2 minutes water rinse Ilford Hypam Fixer, 8 minutes, 5 second gentle agitation each minute 2 minutes rinse in water 3 drops Photo-Flo final rinse for 60 seconds Kodak Verichrome Pan Found Film 11ef

Somebody's Poodle

05 Nov 2013 2 402
This poodle belonged to somebody I don't know. It was one of the 7 frames already exposed on a roll of film that was still inside a camera I found at a used furniture store. I finished taking the last 5 frames and both the old ones and the ones I took turned out, albeit with slight color-shift. I love found film! Notice the crutches at the left of the picture. Camera: Kodak Tele-Ektralite 600 (made from 1980 - 1982) Film: Kodak Kodacolor VR 110 film (dating from 1982) Date: 1982 (?) Location: ? Kodak 1980-12 06df

Neighborhood Snow Scene

30 Oct 2013 1 307
This shot was taken with a Kodak Tele-Ektralite 600. I found it at a used furniture store for .50 cents and it had a partially-exposed roll of film still in it! This is one of the shots that was already on the roll of 12 exposure 110 film and since the camera was sold in 1980, (until 1982), I figure this was the original roll of film that was sold with the camera. There were 7 shots already taken, with 5 shots remaining. I don't know who took it or where it's at, but it was apparently Winter when it was taken. If you look real close at the top middle of the picture, you can see someone shovelling snow. Camera: Kodak Tele-Ektralite 600 Film: Kodak Kodacolor VR 110 film (dating from 1982) Date: 1982 (?) Location: ? Kodak 1980-12 03cf

Urban Sprawl

13 May 2015 1 433
This shot was taken with a Kodak Tele-Ektralite 600. I found it at a used furniture store for .50 cents and it had a partially-exposed roll of film still in it! Since the camera was sold in 1980, (until 1982), I figure this was the original roll of film that was sold with the camera. There were 7 shots already taken, with 5 shots remaining - this is one of the remaining frames still left unexposed on the roll. Camera: Kodak Tele-Ektralite 600 Film: Kodak Kodacolor VR 110 film (dating from 1982) Date: October 7th, 2013, 1.11 p.m. Location: Mt. Vernon, Illinois, U.S.A. Kodak 1980-12 12ff

On A Carousel

13 Jun 2019 2 222
I don't know who this little girl is/was, but this picture (found film) was on a roll of film that had been completely exposed, but left in a camera I picked up at a resale shop. Who shoots a whole roll of their kids, then forgets to take out the film to get it developed before they get rid of the camera? It's perplexing, to say the least. I'm certain this shot and some others on the roll were taken at the children's museum in Indianapolis, Indiana. Shot with a Kodak Ektralite 10 and Family Dollar brand 110 film. Family Dollar 02ff

Found Film

28 May 2014 2 389
I happened to stop at a resale shop and it was going out of business. They said to take whatever I wanted for free, as they had to get rid of everything so they could clear out the building. I found a couple old cameras and chose them. Once I got out to my car, I noticed that the Kodak Ektralite 10 I had picked still had a roll of expired film inside it that the previous owners had taken and forgotten to get developed. I, of course, developed it to see what was on it. This is one of those pictures on that roll of film. It was branded "Family Dollar" 110 film. From looking at some of the images on the roll, I believe this one was taken at the Children's Museum, located in Indianapolis, Indiana. I don't know when it was taken, but in one of the other images, Peyton Manning was on the Indianapolis Colts NFL football team and he looked very young.

Family Dollar Found Film Image

30 Oct 2013 232
I happened to stop at a resale shop and it was going out of business. They said to take whatever I wanted for free, as they had to get rid of everything so they could clear out the building. I found a couple old cameras and chose them. Once I got out to my car, I noticed that the Kodak Ektralite 10 I had picked up still had a roll of expired film inside it that the previous owners had taken and forgotten to get developed. I, of course, developed it to see what was on it. This is one of those pictures on that roll of film. It was branded "Family Dollar" 110 film. From looking at some of the images on the roll, I believe this one was taken at the Children's Museum, located in Indianapolis, Indiana. I don't know when it was taken, but it was when Peyton Manning was on the Indianapolis Colts NFL football team and he looked very young.

Colts No. 7

01 Jul 2016 341
I don't know who this little girl is/was, but this picture was on a roll of film that had been completely exposed, but left in a camera I picked up at a resale shop. Who shoots a whole roll of their kids, then forgets to take out the film to get it developed before they get rid of the camera? It's perplexing, to say the least. I'm certain this shot and some others on the roll were taken at the children's museum in Indianapolis, Indiana. Shot with a Kodak Ektralite 10 and Family Dollar brand 110 film. Family Dollar 12df

I'm Gonna Run To You

15 Oct 2021 93
Some Fuji Super HQ 200 film I found inside a little Canon Sure Shot TeleMax. It was partially shot and featured some people on vacation by the ocean and then some pictures taken at Christmas. There were about 6 frames left on the roll, so I shot them around my town. The roll had sat in the camera for a while and turned out pretty grainy. Oh, well. Your pictures are ready, people. Canon TeleMax2 Fuji 200 09ef

Found Film

15 Jul 2016 2 271
This is part of a frame I scanned from a roll of Fuji Super HQ 200 found film I acquired in a Canon Sure Shot TeleMax 35mm point and shoot camera I added to my collection. Most of the shots were already taken, but I took the last five frames myself. The camera came from a resale shop and at some point in time, someone had opened the back and slightly flashed the film - that's why it's so grainy. Whoever it belonged to first took some vacation shots like this on the beach and two different Christmas gatherings on the roll. And then they got rid of the camera before finishing the roll or getting their film out! I wonder how that happens? Canon TeleMax2 Fuji 200 06-3ef

Beach Baby

16 Sep 2016 1 3 406
This is a frame I scanned from a roll of found film I acquired in a Canon Sure Shot TeleMax 35mm point and shoot camera I added to my collection. Most of the shots were already taken, but I took the last five frames myself. Whoever this woman is sunning herself, I have no clue. The camera came from a resale shop and at some point in time, someone had opened the back and slightly flashed the film - that's why it's so grainy. Whoever it belonged to first took some vacation shots like this on the beach and two different Christmas gatherings on the roll. And then they got rid of the camera before finishing the roll or getting their film out! I wonder how that happens? Canon TeleMax2 Fuji 200 13ff

Down At The Pool

15 Oct 2021 97
This is a frame I scanned from a roll of found film I acquired in a Canon Sure Shot TeleMax 35mm point and shoot camera I added to my collection. Most of the shots were already taken, but I took the last five frames myself. Whoever this woman is sunning herself, I have no clue. The camera came from a resale shop and at some point in time, someone had opened the back and slightly flashed the film - that's why it's so grainy. Whoever it belonged to first took some vacation shots like this on the beach and two different Christmas gatherings on the roll. And then they got rid of the camera before finishing the roll or getting their film out! I wonder how that happens? Canon TeleMax2 Fuji 200 12ff

The Next Denzel Washington?

26 May 2020 1 168
This kid may turn out to be the next Denzel, but I think the kid in back will more likely to turn out to be the next Steve Harvey. This was from a roll of found film. I purchased a mix lot of old film off eBay, Fuji, Kodak and some Polaroid. It was the Polaroid I was interested in. But, one of the rolls of Fuji didn't have the leader sticking out anymore, so I took a chance and developed it, thinking it might have already been exposed. It was! And I have no idea who the family pictured on the roll is, it was mainly five small boys playing sports in the backyard. Toward the end of the roll, though, it appears that there was a birthday party for somebody's Grandma. I suspect the family might live in Texas, because one of the boys was wearing a San Antonio Spurs shirt. If anyone recognizes these boys, please let them know their pictures are ready! Found Fuji Superia X-Tra 400 09ef

Found 110 Picture

15 Oct 2021 84
My order of 110 film came back and when I was looking through this roll, I couldn't remember where or when I had taken this particular shot. When I looked through the negatives to match up with the images, this one ended up being extra. There was no negative for it, so the film lab must have goofed and included somebody else's shot with mine. That's why I couldn't recognize anything about this shot.

Heavy Metal Structure

15 Oct 2021 1 78
This was some Kodak Kodacolor-X film I found and developed it. They stopped making it in 1974, so it's on the order of 50 years old. I didn't notice until after I started developing it, but the 126 cartridge said it was C-22 - I used C-41, so I'm not sure how it turned out. It might have lost all the color or the colors could be shifted a lot. But, to me, it was pretty even, except for the top and bottom edges. I'm not sure what the structure is, but from looking at some other frames, it kind of looked like a coal mine, and it sat next to a railroad line. Camera: Kodak Instamatic 154 Film: Kodak Kodacolor-X 126 size Lens: 43mm Aperture: f/11 Shutter Speed: 1/90th of a second Date: 1960's/1970s Location: Unknown Developing Chemicals: Unicolor C-41 Water pre-soak: 1 minute at 102 degrees Developer: 3 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes (to keep chemicals clean) Blix: 6 ½ minutes at 102 degrees Water rinse: 2 minutes at approx. 100 degrees Stabilizer: 1 minute at room temperature Water rinse: 2 minutes Kodak Photo-Flo 200: 1 minute Kodak Kodacolor-X 08ff

32 items in total