IMG 9195

August September 2013

Photos from August and/or September 2013

IMG 9195

16 Aug 2013 1 105
The sign of a healthy boy- lots of food around the mouth! :)

IMG 9184

IMG 9182

16 Aug 2013 72
This old house seems cheery and warm again. Happiness is a full house.

IMG 9181

16 Aug 2013 98
Looking four different directions.

IMG 9180

IMG 9183

IMG 9189

IMG 9190

16 Aug 2013 101
Blue is becoming more and more alert with each passing day. Here he seems to be preoccupied with something near the television. It didn't appear to be the TV (telly), but something else he was captivated by.

IMG 9194

IMG 9187

IMG 9191

IMG 9188

IMG 9192

16 Aug 2013 1 124
It takes a Family. (sorry, Hillary, but you are wrong. Some things can't be done better by the government or the community rather than in a loving, caring, nurturing home) Great grandmother Verna holds little Blue.

IMG 9193

IMG 9470a

05 Sep 2013 95
This guy was greeting people at a Burger King near Greenwood, South Carolina this morning when I stopped and got a large coffee and biscuit at their drive through. With all the chicken biscuits and chicken sandwiches being served for breakfast and at lunch, he's a daring fellow. :)

IMG 9624

05 Sep 2013 132
I had to take this photo without a flash so as not to disturb my visitors. It seems I now have five- no, six- cats and kittens feeding on my back deck each night. (One cat wasn't in view here)

IMG 9626

08 Sep 2013 1 83
Sir Edward has the right idea, but he's going about it the wrong way. "No, Edward. Not that mouse!"

IMG 9690

106 items in total