
October - December 2011


14 Oct 2011 83
Kolton got the v.i.p. treatment. He was the only one who got the special "fun" pizza plate! We had to eat on regular round plates. :) Eating at Pizza Pro, Central, SC.


14 Oct 2011 73
Deep in thought, Kolton patiently awaits the pizza. Yes, neither rain, nor sleet, nor snow, nor sore throat and common cold shall separate this boy from the joy of hot extra-cheesy pizza. :) Pizza Pro, Central, SC (US)

Kolton at Pizza Pro

16 Oct 2011 149
Watch this video on Vimeo. Video created by Greg Garrett . --- Kolton demonstrates what he believes are some good uses for the fork. (Fortunately, he didn't succeed in slicing up the plate or the back of the bench. )


14 Oct 2011 75
I took Kristin recently to see where my paternal great-grandmother lived. My father was raised by his grandmother after his mother died, and they were always very close. I remember that she made some of the best apple pie you could ever hope to taste. I discovered that her house is gone, and one would be hard pressed to even locate the spot where it once stood. After driving by her old home place, I remembered enough about the old roads to be able to find her burial space. She was a wonderful woman, who had many hardships during her lifetime, including having a husband who died almost fifty years before she passed, but she always maintained a positive attitude. (Note: because of foliage I was unable to get this shot centered. I'll crop it to make it centered and straight when I have more time.)


14 Oct 2011 88
Kristin and I couldn't resist turning around to get a shot of this sign before it changes again. I've seen lots of "recycled" messages and slogans on church signs, but this was the first time I've seen this particular message.


07 Oct 2011 74
Jasmine's new favorite place. She's learned that if she sits beside the monitor that I'll pet her, and when she decides to sleep, she'll walk between the monitor and keyboard and crash. She has quite a "personality" for a cat.

Honk if you love Jesus- Text while driving if you…

13 Oct 2011 1 320
Church sign on Clemson Boulevard / N.Main Street, Anderson, SC (US)


20 Oct 2011 54
Kolton is proud that he can set the alarm system.


20 Oct 2011 81
No, I'm NOT a grumpy grandpa. I was in mid-sentence talking to Kolton when Kristin snapped this photo. I didn't know she was taking pictures until I saw the flash. Otherwise, I would have put on my "plastered smile" for the camera, rather than have been exercising my jaws. :)


20 Oct 2011 115
Kolton poses for me at work when he and Kristin stopped by for a late lunch/early dinner.


20 Oct 2011 103
See comments on photo below to better understand this photo: www.flickr.com/photos/gregorylggregory/6268127937

photo Kolton and Pop.JPG

03 Nov 2011 61
Spinning around on the wheel at our little hometown park. (thanks for the great shot, Kristin!)


12 Nov 2011 80
Nope. I should have quit when I was ahead. This series of shots reminds me of my bowling performance- I'm really bad at first, get slightly better, get a little better than my "slightly better" state, and then my performance nose-dives and I'm as terrible as when I started. Next time, I'll just take a picture of the glasses sitting on the table and email it to Kristin. :) ---- Just how these teenagers are able to take pictures of themselves with such little effort is beyond my comprehension. Kristin asked me to take a couple of pictures of myself with my new glasses, and I said, "Sure, no problem." But it was. I just don't have the coordination or practice to be able to take effortless shots and get things the way they're supposed to look. (I thought I was aging quite well until I got these new glasses- now I can see all my wrinkles. Depressing!)


12 Nov 2011 78
Okay. By the laws of probability, I had to get one semi-right. This one passes as "acceptable." (Not "desirable," now, but just acceptable.) --- Just how these teenagers are able to take pictures of themselves with such little effort is beyond my comprehension. Kristin asked me to take a couple of pictures of myself with my new glasses, and I said, "Sure, no problem." But it was. I just don't have the coordination or practice to be able to take effortless shots and get things the way they're supposed to look. (I thought I was aging quite well until I got these new glasses- now I can see all my wrinkles. Depressing!)


12 Nov 2011 53
Ooops. I did it again. Just how these teenagers are able to take pictures of themselves with such little effort is beyond my comprehension. Kristin asked me to take a couple of pictures of myself with my new glasses, and I said, "Sure, no problem." But it was. I just don't have the coordination or practice to be able to take effortless shots and get things the way they're supposed to look. (I thought I was aging quite well until I got these new glasses- now I can see all my wrinkles. Depressing!)


12 Nov 2011 77
Just how these teenagers are able to take pictures of themselves with such little effort is beyond my comprehension. Kristin asked me to take a couple of pictures of myself with my new glasses, and I said, "Sure, no problem." But it was. I just don't have the coordination or practice to be able to take effortless shots and get things the way they're supposed to look. (I thought I was aging quite well until I got these new glasses- now I can see all my wrinkles. Depressing!)


10 Nov 2011 92
View from my back porch as the leaves just started changing this Autumn. (Unfortunately, my overworked brain and tired body haven't found time to keep up with the leaf changes lately. I fear by the time I find time to take some more photos that all the leaves will be gone.) (All photos SOOC, no color enhancement or retouching.)


03 Nov 2011 52
Clemson's Old Stone Church, and Old Stone Church Cemetery, listed in the U.S. Register of Historic Places. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Stone_Church_and_Cemetery For these pictures, we used our usual method of taking photos while driving around and looking for interesting things to shoot: I stop the car, leave it running and watch for traffic, while Kristin, who is quick on her feet, jumps out, shoots away, and jumps back into the car quickly. Then, we speed away. (always following the speed limit, mind you.) photo by Kristin

179 items in total