
July through September 2010


25 Aug 2010 73
A picture from Kristin's Droid


25 Aug 2010 73
A picture from Kristin's Droid


04 Jul 2010 85
July 4, 2010, taken at church, just before the service began. I portrayed Thomas Jefferson, writing down his thoughts in draft form as principal author of the Declaration of Independence. In researching the part, I was amazed at how overtly religious the Founding Fathers were. That's not what they teach in Public Schools today. I'm not quite dressed here, but this is basically the way I appeared on stage, minus the smile. I managed to keep a solemn, studious, thoughtful look throughout the entire production and service. (Maybe Jefferson should have had a beard that matched his hair, or vice versa. lol) For those not familiar with American historical figures, such as Jefferson, this may help: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Jefferson


24 Aug 2010 75
Kristin went shopping, and Grandpa Greg got to wheel Kolton around the mall while she tried on clothes.


24 Aug 2010 112
Kristin went shopping, and Grandpa Greg got to wheel Kolton around the mall while she tried on clothes. Notice the skinned knees where he's forever crawling everywhere. He still hasn't mastered the art of walking, but he can easily stand up from a seated position (without even pulling up or propping up against something).


24 Aug 2010 65
Kristin and Kolton at the mall.


24 Aug 2010 49
Kolton and Kristin at the mall


24 Aug 2010 73
Kolton is distracted by anything and everything at the mall. When he starts walking, we'll be running to keep up with him. Kolton and Kristin.

Old Fashioned Day DSCN6964.JPG

05 Sep 2010 212
Kolton gets a pony ride during "Old Fashioned Day and Dinner-on-the-Grounds Homecoming." Taken at the church of which I'm a member, Kings Grove Baptist Church, Central, SC (US). (note: the church will be 100 years old September 25, 2010, and the year has been filled with special events and festivities for the community. On this particular Sunday, members dressed in the attire of 1910, and special tribute was paid to the church's founders (the ancestors of many who attend the church today). Besides lots of free food and music (old fashioned gospel and bluegrass music featuring "Tugaloo Holler"), the pony rides and guided nature hikes seemed to be the biggest attractions to the kids. More carnival/community-style events to come during the month.)

Old Fashioned Day DSCN6965.JPG

05 Sep 2010 209
Kolton gets a pony ride during "Old Fashioned Day and Dinner-on-the-Grounds Homecoming." Taken at the church of which I'm a member, Kings Grove Baptist Church, Central, SC (US). kingsgrovebaptist (org) (note: the church will be 100 years old September 25, 2010, and the year has been filled with special events and festivities for the community. On this particular Sunday, members dressed in the attire of 1910, and special tribute was paid to the church's founders (the ancestors of many who attend the church today). Besides lots of free food and music (old fashioned gospel and bluegrass music featuring "Tugaloo Holler"), the pony rides and guided nature hikes seemed to be the biggest attractions to the kids. More carnival/community-style events to come during the month.)

Old Fashioned Day DSCN6966.JPG

05 Sep 2010 255
Kolton gets a pony ride during "Old Fashioned Day and Dinner-on-the-Grounds Homecoming." Taken at the church of which I'm a member, Kings Grove Baptist Church, Central, SC (US). (note: the church will be 100 years old September 25, 2010, and the year has been filled with special events and festivities for the community. On this particular Sunday, members dressed in the attire of 1910, and special tribute was paid to the church's founders (the ancestors of many who attend the church today). Besides lots of free food and music (old fashioned gospel and bluegrass music featuring "Tugaloo Holler"), the pony rides and guided nature hikes seemed to be the biggest attractions to the kids. More carnival/community-style events to come during the month.)

Old Fashioned Day DSCN6967.JPG

05 Sep 2010 277
Kolton gets a pony ride during "Old Fashioned Day and Dinner-on-the-Grounds Homecoming." Taken at the church of which I'm a member, Kings Grove Baptist Church, Central, SC (US). (note: the church will be 100 years old September 25, 2010, and the year has been filled with special events and festivities for the community. On this particular Sunday, members dressed in the attire of 1910, and special tribute was paid to the church's founders (the ancestors of many who attend the church today). Besides lots of free food and music (old fashioned gospel and bluegrass music featuring "Tugaloo Holler"), the pony rides and guided nature hikes seemed to be the biggest attractions to the kids. More carnival/community-style events to come during the month.)


13 Sep 2010 57
The new camcorder we got recently can be set to automatically take pictures while shooting video. The pictures taken while shooting video aren't near the quality of the camcorder's regular still photos, but I liked some of these shots the camera decided to take on its own and decided to include them here.


13 Sep 2010 48
The new camcorder we got recently can be set to automatically take pictures while shooting video. The pictures taken while shooting video aren't near the quality of the camcorder's regular still photos, but I liked some of these shots the camera decided to take on its own and decided to include them here.


13 Sep 2010 61
The new camcorder we got recently can be set to automatically take pictures while shooting video. The pictures taken while shooting video aren't near the quality of the camcorder's regular still photos, but I liked some of these shots the camera decided to take on its own and decided to include them here.


13 Sep 2010 69
The new camcorder we got recently can be set to automatically take pictures while shooting video. The pictures taken while shooting video aren't near the quality of the camcorder's regular still photos, but I liked some of these shots the camera decided to take on its own and decided to include them here.



85 items in total