
Attempting Selective Color Editing using Gimp

I have other priorities at the moment, so I most likely won't be getting Photoshop for another few months. Someone had told me that it was impossible to create Selective Color photos using The Gimp, but I found some information on the Internet that showed me how it can be done. To be honest, its not straightforward, but these photos are proof that it can be done. Having neither steady hand nor …  (read more)

12 Mar 2010

38 visits


(An experiment in selective color.) Don't laugh. I have anything but a steady hand, and these are my first attempts... (plus I'm half blind the older I get. lol) I notice I got some color on to Kolton's skin on this one. I should have used a smaller brush and pulled the picture up to a larger size to attempt to edit, but I was in a hurry to finish. There's never enough time! :)

08 Jun 2010

71 visits


Kristin about to spank Brianna ("Barbie" or "Bri") with a brush. An early attempt to create a Selective Color image using The Gimp.

05 Jun 2010

74 visits

100_3823.jpg edited Selective Coloring Experiment 4.jpg

Early attempt at Selective Color editing using The Gimp. This is a view of the long road I lived on growing up. Although it has developed quite a bit since then, there's still a bit of undeveloped land, which is uncommon in the area in which I live. Country pastures have been replaced by wall-to-wall houses. Norris, SC, June 2010

12 Mar 2010

59 visits


An experiment in selective color.