November 2012

12 Nov 2012

73 visits


A church sign I ran across out in the country today. I turned the car around and went back to get this picture. It's nice to see people, churches, and other organizations paying tribute to our veterans! SOOC

13 Nov 2012

110 visits

Still Changing [IMG_6540.JPG]

Maybe I'm just forgetting some date in the past, but I don't think I've ever seen the leaves turning this late in the year here. Typically, we'll get an early frost, and then everything starts changing at once. That hasn't happened this year. We got a bit of a cold snap (a couple of days), followed by more warm Summertime-type weather. As a result, only a few trees dropped their leaves, while the rest remained green. It wasn't until the last week-and-a-half when the temperatures finally started getting a bit nippy in the morning that most of the trees near me began changing color. I expect the remaining trees to change within the next couple of weeks, and hopefully I'll be able to get some better shots. Taken from the parking lot of my workplace. The small mountain with the towers is Glassy Mountain, and barely showing behind it is Table Rock Mountain, home of Table Rock State Park. (SOOC - no color adjustment or enhancements)

21 Nov 2012

87 visits


On this date, I was better able to catch a few shots of Kolton as he played hide and seek from the camera with me. I haven't been nearly as successful at other attempts at catching his face. When he sees that I'm about to flash, he jumps behind the chair. (This little guy is really fast, and Papa is getter just a little slow. lol)

21 Nov 2012

63 visits


Kolton pauses from playing just long enough for me to get in a few shots.

20 Nov 2012

67 visits


Liberty, SC, USA When I was a teenager (well over 40 years ago) this church building was still fairly new. The church meeting here had outgrown this building and had to construct a much larger sanctuary down the street to accommodate their growing congregation. After the new building was completed, the church eventually sold this building, which has had many occupants and owners since that time. Unfortunately, over the last few years, the old church building has been empty. I noticed something green showing on the side of the building as I drove by, so I turned around and came back to the building to investigate. In addition to some sort of green plant growing out of the brick and window, I discovered that the basement seems to have bushes growing up inside next to the window. I'm assuming there must be a moisture issue in the basement.

20 Nov 2012

72 visits


Liberty, SC, USA When I was a teenager (well over 40 years ago) this church building was still fairly new. The church meeting here had outgrown this building and had to construct a much larger sanctuary down the street to accommodate their growing congregation. After the new building was completed, the church eventually sold this building, which has had many occupants and owners since that time. Unfortunately, over the last few years, the old church building has been empty. I noticed something green showing on the side of the building as I drove by, and this is what I found.

20 Nov 2012

61 visits


30 Nov 2012

82 visits


My grandson Kolton decides the toy container would make a great toy. Kolton is very imaginative. When he isn't playing with trucks and cars, he can often be overheard making up his own games, creating his own characters, and acting out with objects his "dramas" and "plays." His mother Kristin did many of the same things when she was younger. Kolton also memorizes many of the lines from his favorite movies, and he is very observant. He knows, based on which path we're taking, where we're going in advance, even if we don't tell him. He's a bright, active little boy who makes me happy to still be around. :)

30 Nov 2012

89 visits


God has been soooo good to me!
28 items in total