
2011- 500 Most Interesting Photos

The 500 "Most Interesting" photos from our public uploads.



08 Jul 2011 68
Kristin and Kolton at Fatz Cafe, Easley, SC. On this particular visit, I took the small Sony camcorder and turned off the flash for most of the shots. (It's easier to handle when you're carrying cellphones, diaper bags and a baby, and the lack of flash seems to be more considerate to those sitting around us. )






10 Dec 2011 77
Who says weddings have to be boring?!?


16 Nov 2011 65
Abandoned service station, Augusta, Georgia (US)


03 Nov 2011 52
Clemson's Old Stone Church, and Old Stone Church Cemetery, listed in the U.S. Register of Historic Places. For these pictures, we used our usual method of taking photos while driving around and looking for interesting things to shoot: I stop the car, leave it running and watch for traffic, while Kristin, who is quick on her feet, jumps out, shoots away, and jumps back into the car quickly. Then, we speed away. (always following the speed limit, mind you.) photo by Kristin


20 Oct 2011 103
See comments on photo below to better understand this photo:


25 Sep 2011 45
Kolton loves to feed the fish, and he believes in giving them very generous helpings (servings). Here, I'm opening the fish food for him before he tries to "pour it all on" to give them a feast. :)


25 Sep 2011 55
Kolton would "talk" to each french fry before eating it, and we tried to get some video footage of this without Kolton noticing. (He has quite an imagination!) We weren't successful in getting any good video footage (he stopped when he saw we were taking video), but we did get this cute still shot. --- Lower resolution automatic camera shot from the Sony cam while Kristin was shooting some video of Kolton. The video cam takes simultaneous automatic stills anytime it thinks the party you're shooting is smiling. (The feature can be turned off and the sensitivity level adjusted, but some of our best captures have been taken by this feature, so we leave it turned on.)


24 Sep 2011 61
My house without shutters. Just had some new siding placed on my home, along with some brickwork done as well. Now, I can't decide whether I want new shutters, the old shutters, or no shutters at all. (The old shutters will work, but this look is growing on me.) Am I nuts? Not sure... but for some reason I like this just the way it is. (Yeah, I must be crazy)

The Camouflaged Cat

10 Jan 2011 41
I'd forgotten all about this one. I thought I'd posted it earlier, but now I'm not sure.



03 Jul 2011 33
Off a country road, between Liberty and Pickens, SC, near US 178



482 items in total