GoombungeeTelstraHut 1179

Techy 2016

Folder: Technical, Ham Radio, Photography Etc from 2006

09 Mar 2016

293 visits

GoombungeeTelstraHut 1179

Testra's hut containing an exchange and mobile phone base at Goombungee, a small town in the Darling Downs, Australia. March 2016.

09 Mar 2016


306 visits

GoombungeeTelstraHut 1181

Antennas above Telstra's hut at Goombungee, a small town in the Darling Downs, Australia. March 2016.

29 Mar 2016

240 visits

ToogoolawahExch0316 219

The radiocomms tower behind Toogoolawah telephone exchange. March 2016.

30 Mar 2016

246 visits

ToogoolawahExch0316 227

A brick telephone exchange building in a small town. March 2016.

13 Aug 2016

170 visits

Pillar Pit 1011

Final foto finally was taken.

16 Oct 2016

1 favorite

214 visits

Antennas201610 1357

Antennas I noticed todayTwo TV phased arrays, an FM band yagi, a high UHF yagi; 2.4GHz IP? and two unknown types. October 2016.