TreeRemoval201310 017

Telecoms - General

Folder: Technical, Ham Radio, Photography Etc from 2006

TreeRemoval201310 017

11 Oct 2013 202
Replacing an aerial dropwire to a customer. October 2013.

TeleZoomTest201311 015

27 Nov 2013 206
This pole has both power and telecoms feeds to houses. See note. November 2013.

CablePit201401 002

CablePit201401 009

25 Jan 2014 186
Upgrading a communications cable pit. A previous pit has been completely removed and the hole in the ground enlarged in preparation for the new one. January 2014.

CablePit201401 010

25 Jan 2014 1 215
Upgrading a communications cable pit. January 2014. A later view.

CablePit201401 011

25 Jan 2014 189
Upgrading a communications cable pit. Various lead and plastic covered cables. January 2014.

CablePit201401 013

25 Jan 2014 145
Upgrading a communications cable pit. January 2014.

CablePit201401 022

25 Jan 2014 140
Telecommunications pit in suburban Toowoomba, Qld.

CablePit201401 023

25 Jan 2014 163
A telecommunications pit in suburban Toowoomba, Qld.

CablePit201401 024

25 Jan 2014 173
A telecommunications manhole in suburban Toowoomba, Qld.

CablePit201401 026

25 Jan 2014 162
Telecoms manhole and cable pillar in suburban Toowoomba. January 2014.

CablePit201401 027

25 Jan 2014 164
Cable pit and a lower capacity pillar in suburban Toowoomba. See note. January 2014.

CablePit201401 028

25 Jan 2014 153
A small capacity telecoms cable pillar. January 2014.

PublicTelephone201401 029

25 Jan 2014 244
Public telephone and post box at a corner store. A reminder of a time past when both telecoms and postal services were operated by one government department. January 2014.

PublicTelephone201401 032

PublicTelephone201401 033

PublicTelephone201401 036

25 Jan 2014 145
A public telephone box in suburban Toowoomba. January 2014.

CablePit201401 038

25 Jan 2014 204
Upgrading a communications cable pit. The grey cables (with red soil stain) are lead. Some cables are pressurised with dry air at the telephone exchange. This is to resist water entering the cable if the outer covering is damaged. The flow of air from the exchange also provides an alert to damage. Two valves for local pressure reading can seen on the lead joints. January 2014.

97 items in total