20090504picnic 045

Picnic 04052009

Folder: General 2001 - 2010.

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04 May 2009

11 favorites


153 visits

20090504picnic 001

Looking north at the end of the walk along the former right of way of the former Munro's Mill tramway. HFF!

04 May 2009

92 visits

20090504picnic 002

Looking north at the end of the walk.

04 May 2009

91 visits

20090504picnic 003

Looking south along the alignment near the end of the walk.

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04 May 2009

3 favorites


130 visits

20090504picnic 005

HTT Looking west across the alignment from the picnic area near the end of the walk. The end of the walk is to the right of the photo. See the PiP.

04 May 2009

90 visits

20090504picnic 006

Looking west across the alignment from the picnic area near the end of the walk.

04 May 2009

91 visits

20090504picnic 007

Looking south along the alignment.

04 May 2009

91 visits

20090504picnic 008

Looking south along the alignment.

04 May 2009

82 visits

20090504picnic 013

04 May 2009

111 visits

20090504picnic 014

Looking west towards Hampton from the alignment.
26 items in total