Two Bone Players

Topological Match

Folder: The Hunting of the Snark

03 Nov 2014


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Darwin's snarked Study

05 Oct 2014

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2 469 visits

Grünewald and Holiday

[top]: Matthias Grünewald: "Visit of Saint Anthony to Saint Paul", retinex filtered, vectorized and color desaturated detail from Isenheim altarpiece (1512–1516). Perhaps also elements from the other altarpiece depicting "The Temptation of Saint Anthony" went into Holiday's illustration (see also Mahendra Singh's blog ). [bottom]: Henry Holiday: from an illustration to the chapter "The Beaver's Lesson" in Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark". 2018-12-27: I tweeted my finding to the Musée Unterlinden. And they retweeted it:

27 Dec 2014

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742 visits

Details in the Mouth

In the top you see a detail from Henry Holiday's drawing for the illustration to the chapter The Vanishing in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark . Based on that drawing, Joseph Swain cut the final illustration (1876). The pictorial citation style in the final wood cut seems to be a bit different from the style in Holiday's painting. Below the drawing you see a segment of Allegory to Iconoclasts (c. 1567) by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder. I did this comparison in 2009 and almost forgot it.
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