The Snark in your Dreams

Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder

Folder: The Hunting of the Snark

14 Dec 2014

588 visits

Heads by Holiday & Gheeraerts 2000x2000

CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 version of

27 Dec 2014

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742 visits

Details in the Mouth

In the top you see a detail from Henry Holiday's drawing for the illustration to the chapter The Vanishing in Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark . Based on that drawing, Joseph Swain cut the final illustration (1876). The pictorial citation style in the final wood cut seems to be a bit different from the style in Holiday's painting. Below the drawing you see a segment of Allegory to Iconoclasts (c. 1567) by Marcus Gheeraerts the Elder. I did this comparison in 2009 and almost forgot it.

12 Jun 2016


1 481 visits

Les visions du chevalier tondal (1475, detail in grey shaded mirror view)

Detail from Les Visions du chevalier Tondal (1475) (Conversions: mirror view, grey to color) Simon Marmion (Flemish, active 1450 - 1489) and David Aubert (Flemish, active 1453 - 1479) · Compare to: and to: and to: · ===================================================================== Data of top image: Detail from: Conversions: cropped detail, mirror view, grey two color --------------------------------------------- Title: Les Visions du chevalier Tondal Artist/Maker: Simon Marmion (Flemish, active 1450 - 1489) and David Aubert (Flemish, active 1453 - 1479) Culture: Franco-Flemish Place: Ghent Belgium Valenciennes France (Place created) Date: 1475 Medium: Tempera colors, gold leaf, gold paint, and ink on parchment tipped into a binding of wood boards covered with brown calf Dimensions: Leaf: 36.3 × 26.2 cm (14 5/16 × 10 5/16 in.) ------------------------------------ Color to grey conversion: GIMP 2.9.3 Desaturate -> Color to Grey tool "uses envelopes formed with the STRESS aproach used perform local color-difference preserving local greyscale generation" # GIMP yes tool settings (time 0) (radius 300) (samples 4) (iterations 10) # end of yes tool settings

12 Jun 2016


775 visits

Two Mouths

12 Jun 2016

842 visits

les-visions-du-chevalier-tondal C2G

Detail from Color to grey conversion: GIMP 2.9.3 Desaturate -> Color to Grey tool "uses envelopes formed with the STRESS aproach used perform local color-difference preserving local greyscale generation" # GIMP yes tool settings (time 0) (radius 300) (samples 4) (iterations 10) # end of yes tool settings --------------------------------------------- Title of the source painting: Les Visions du chevalier Tondal Artist/Maker: Simon Marmion (Flemish, active 1450 - 1489) and David Aubert (Flemish, active 1453 - 1479) Culture: Franco-Flemish Place: Ghent Belgium Valenciennes France (Place created) Date: 1475 Medium: Tempera colors, gold leaf, gold paint, and ink on parchment tipped into a binding of wood boards covered with brown calf Dimensions: Leaf: 36.3 × 26.2 cm (14 5/16 × 10 5/16 in.)

16 Feb 2018

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1 776 visits

Nose is a Nose is a Nose

Knight Letter (ISSN 0193-886X) of the LCSNA (Lewis Carroll Society of North America), Fall 2017, № 99 Details:
24 items in total