Sydney Opera House

Sydney, Australia

Folder: Australia

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20 Nov 2022

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109 visits

August the old place

We enjoyed brunch at August the old place, in Mosman village, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, catching up with an old friend, who recently moved to the area. A historic 19th century building with an al fresco terrace out front, and the characterful interior has an interesting décor, including antique tiles, original fireplaces, high ceilings, and ornate lamps. CMT22 Fine dining

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20 Nov 2022

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83 visits

August the old place

We enjoyed brunch at August the old place, in Mosman village, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, catching up with an old friend, who recently moved to the area. A historic 19th century building with an al fresco terrace out front, and the characterful interior has an interesting décor, including antique tiles, original fireplaces, high ceilings, and ornate lamps.

17 Dec 2019

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174 visits

A bridge from shadows to next challenge

Sunday Challenge 49 post 11 June - Bridge SYDNEY HARBOUR BRIDGE/AUSTRALIA A very fine collection of shadows. Now to a solid structure, or a shadowy metaphorical idea in SC49 - Bridge. A bridge usually crosses "a hard-to-manage gap, such as a river, a sea or a valley. In most cases, ways should be shortened, eased or simply made possible. The natural difficulties vary each time and need a different type or variant of bridge..." from 2018 In other contexts a bridge can be metaphorical. Whatever you are trying to achieve, whether in a project, or life in general, if you and/or everyone involved has a clear idea of the goal, a "bridge", or plan, that can be seen, will make it easier to reach that goal.

25 Apr 2014

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62 visits

Sydney Airport Train

At the Domestic terminal railway platform, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

25 Apr 2014

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123 visits

Sydney Airport Train

Archive from 2014 Sunday challenge 64 - Sliding Door Moment At the Domestic terminal railway platform, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

29 Apr 2024

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93 visits

South Mosman ferry

Taken on our recent trip to Sydney, where the ferries are brilliant. HFF 17 May 2024
24 items in total