Hamilton Island view at Catseye

Hamilton Island

Folder: Australia
Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia

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03 Aug 2008

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261 visits

Hamilton Island view at Catseye

Pool overlooking Catseye Beach. Yes it is paradise. Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia On Hamilton Island, which has many accommodation options, a village near an excellent Marina, and some great activities including bushwalking, cruises in the Whitsunday islands and to the Great Barrier Reef. Outstanding sailing area with several Yacht Charter companies in the area. Sunsail are based at Hamilton Island Marina. sunsail.com.au/yacht-charter/destinations/asia-pacific/australia/whitsundays Archive Airings AA25 Warm thoughts

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01 Jan 1991

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235 visits

Whitsunday Passage

View over the Whitsunday Passage from Hamilton Island. The Whitsundays are a group of more than 150 islands and islets off the sub-tropical central Queensland coast of Australia between approximately 20° and 21° south latitude. Among the world’s best cruising grounds, the islands offer an abundance of yacht anchorages each within easy sailing distance from the next. Most of the islands are unspoilt national parks; seven have resorts. European discoverer James Cook didn’t name the islands but rather ‘Whitsunday’s Passage’, which was the passage between Cape Conway (20° 22’S, 148° 55’E, the tip of the mainland on the west) and the islands lying to the east of this. That Sunday in June 1770 when he passed through was Whit Sunday... 100magicmiles.com/index.php/intro-to-whitsundays.html A stormy time in the Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia. Just after Tropical Cyclone Joy had passed through. December 1990/January 1991

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06 Aug 2008

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180 visits

Hamilton Sunset

Hamilton Island, Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia

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01 Jan 1991

217 visits

Hamilton Island

View to Passage Peak, elevation 234 metres. Originally charted in 1866, Hamilton Island was shown as part of Dent Island and the whole named Passage Island, adjoining the Whitsunday Passage. Two years later Hamilton Island was described separately and named, possibly after a crew member of the survey vessel. During 1898-1920s Hamilton Island was absentee-licensed and used for sheep grazing, and in the ensuing decades there was also some cropping. In the early 1950s the owner of Daydream Island acquired the lease of Hamilton Island and erected holiday cottages, but the venture was unsuccessful. Grazing was resumed until the lease was acquired in 1975 by Keith Williams and Bryan Byrt. Originally acquired for deer breeding... The current resort first opened in 1982. queenslandplaces.com.au/node/399 A stormy time in the Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia. Just after Tropical Cyclone Joy had passed through. December 1990/January 1991

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01 Jan 1991

171 visits

Whitsunday Passage

Looking out over the thatched house(centre), home of George Harrison, on Hamilton Island. We spent 3 weeks in the Whitsundays just after Cyclone Joy had passed through. We saw the sun once for 15 minutes. It rained most of the time and there was very low visibility so we spent most of the time in Hamilton Island Marina, but we had a great time.. December 1990/ January 1991 TC Joy formed on the 18 December south of the Solomon Islands and had a general southwestward direction. It reached peak intensity on the 23 December (940 hPa) with maximum sustained winds of 90 knots. It eventually dissipated on the 27 south of Townsville. TC Joy had entailed severe damages in Port Douglas and in the Mackay and Pioneer Valley districts. bom.gov.au/cyclone/history/joy.shtml

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01 Aug 1993

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174 visits

View of Whitsunday Island from Towers

Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. See www.hamiltonisland.com.au/reef-view-hotel/ Trip to Whitsundays from Brisbane in 1993.

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01 Aug 1993

137 visits

Hamilton Island Resort

Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. Passage Peak Starting on the Scenic Trail and connecting with the Saddle Trail, this is a spectacular but challenging walk. Half way through you can climb to the Hill Top Viewing Area, where you’ll find a picnic table to relax amongst the stunning views to the north and south. Once you have negotiated the final steep climb to Passage Peak, the reward is an awe-inspiring view of the Whitsundays from the highest vantage point. hamiltonisland.com.au/bushwalking/ 100magicmiles.com/index.php/intro-to-whitsundays.html Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. Trip to Whitsundays from Brisbane in 1993.

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01 Aug 1993

182 visits

Catseye Beach from the Towers

Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. See www.hamiltonisland.com.au/reef-view-hotel/ Trip to Whitsundays from Brisbane in 1993.

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01 Aug 1993

104 visits

One Tree Hill Lookout

Hamilton Island, Queensland, Australia. Trip to Whitsundays from Brisbane in 1993.
38 items in total