Plover lapwing

Birds in New South Wales

Folder: Birds and Animals
Birds in NSW, Australia

13 Nov 2020

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78 visits

Plover lapwing

The Plovers are back looking for a place to nest. We don't want them to choose our garden, as they are so protective that we wouldn't be able to go there. The Masked Lapwing is sometimes referred to as the Spur-winged Plover because each of its wings is armed with a yellow spur at the ‘elbow’ (or carpal joint)... Lapwings use these spurs when diving at potential predators or intruders during breeding season, while chicks are running around or when the eggs are just about to hatch. While these attacks are quite unnerving, the birds seldom actually strike their ‘victims’, preferring a close approach to scare them away. Saturday challenge - anything pointed. Partner in PiP

13 Nov 2020

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57 visits

he's back

The Plovers are back looking for a place to nest. We don't want them to choose our garden, as they are so protective that we wouldn't be able to go there. The Masked Lapwing is sometimes referred to as the Spur-winged Plover because each of its wings is armed with a yellow spur at the ‘elbow’ (or carpal joint)... Lapwings use these spurs when diving at potential predators or intruders during breeding season, while chicks are running around or when the eggs are just about to hatch. While these attacks are quite unnerving, the birds seldom actually strike their ‘victims’, preferring a close approach to scare them away.

10 Nov 2020

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79 visits

315/366 Rosella on our deck

... have not seen one on our deck before, but they are looking for water. Taken through the window, so not great, as I had to lighten it dramatically.

09 Nov 2020

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66 visits

314/366 happy family

Australian pelicans, Lake Wallis, Tuncurry

28 Nov 2020

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1 comment

73 visits

333/366 Butcherbird

Flitting around the garden.

02 Dec 2020

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78 visits

337/366 just a duck

NSW, Australia. I liked the green flash. The Pacific Black Duck is mostly mid-brown in colour, with each feather edged buff. The head pattern is characteristic, with a dark brown line through the eye, bordered with cream above and below and a dark brown crown. The upper wing colour is the same as the back, with a bright glossy green patch in the secondary flight feathers. The white underwing is conspicuous in flight. Young Pacific Black Ducks are similar to the adults in plumage.

03 Dec 2020

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154 visits

338/366 baby

Visitors on Thursday morning, adult and juvenile Butcherbird, on our back deck, NSW, Australia. Lovely to see them :-) Link to daily photos 4th to 19th December... filling the gap where uploading to ipernity has not been possible.

04 Jul 2022

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134 visits

Lorikeet morning

out for a walk with the dogs. I'm not usually quick enough with the camera to catch these beautiful native birds. Rainbow Lorikeet, feasting on a Grevillea, New South Wales, Australia

13 May 2022

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62 visits

Kooka by the Red Gum tree HFF 19 August 2022

19 August 2022 HFF Taken from high up on our deck, zoom lens. Our 'Summer Red' Eucalyptus has shot up after the recent rain.
20 items in total