275/366 Sooki

366 October 2020

Folder: 366/2020

28 Oct 2020

2 favorites


56 visits

302/366 found my 60mm

I was looking at some old photos and decided I should use my 60mm lens again. All very well, but couldn't find it anywhere. Eventually it revealed itself in the 100mm lens box :-) This bell was handy as a subject.

29 Oct 2020

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1 comment

49 visits

303/366 half

A favourite jug. Saturday challenge- cut subject in half, minimal processing.

30 Oct 2020

1 favorite

60 visits

304/366 Cape Hawke

Out and about in New South Wales, Australia. Distant view of Cape Hawke, which is in Forster. It was named by Captain James Cook on 12 May 1770, honouring Edward Hawke who was First Lord of the Admiralty.

31 Oct 2020


127 visits

305/366 woke up in paradise

at the Tartt Cafe in Wharf Street, Forster, New South Wales. www.fivesenses.com.au/blog/coffee-paradise-at-tartt/
31 items in total