01/366 1 January 2020

366 January 2020

Folder: 366/2020

19 Jan 2020

2 favorites

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116 visits

19/366 Water

Our neighbour's pond and shack taken from a distance, after all the rain.

20 Jan 2020

9 favorites


174 visits

20/366 The Bakehouse

Brilliant street artwork in Eumundi, Queensland, by John Murray 2019

21 Jan 2020

21 favorites


191 visits

21/366 tabletop

A selection from our collection, on a tea towel from New Zealand. Saturday challenge - Dishes and dinnerware

22 Jan 2020

3 favorites


87 visits

22/366 Sunshine Beach

Visiting the surf club, which re opened Saturday 18th January 2020, new building, eight month project.

23 Jan 2020

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90 visits

23/366 visiting cat

It's a shame that I can't let him in. Our cat Dora is very territorial and they have fought in the past.

24 Jan 2020

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100 visits

24/366 noosa boathouse

Friday night. We had sundowners in the Sunset Bar, overlooking the Noosa River

25 Jan 2020

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86 visits

25/366 drought proof

garden in Queensland

26 Jan 2020

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119 visits

26/366 Australia Day

We arrived in Australia on 26 January 1988, so for us this is always a special day, every year. Australia Day is the official national day of Australia. Celebrated annually on 26 January, it marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip.

27 Jan 2020

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79 visits

27/366 Tibouchina

Morning walk with Angus, our Westie, in Queensland
31 items in total