Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

August 2021

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

05 Aug 2021 1 2 122
This old Audi A4 1.9 TDi has been sitting alone in the yard, minding her own business and not bothering anyone for almost 7 years, but time has now arrived for her to begin the final journey

Pesky Spitfires

11 Aug 2021 6 5 160
Spitfire pleasure flights from Goodwood Aerodrome in West Sussex pass overhead on a regular basis and usually only a single aircraft is seen, but today it was a treat to see two of these classic planes flying together. Next day the pair flew over again, see PiP.


27 Aug 2021 10 10 167
Not a very 'Happy' Fence Friday - Some delightful individual decided to dispose of an old fridge over my front fence. Whoever it was could have simply left it on the other side on the public path, but maybe they were thinking of the environment