In the spring I have counted one hundred and thirty-six different kinds of weather inside of four and twenty hours. ~Mark Twain

Fantasies - Imaginations

20 Jul 2018

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997 visits

Tell me a story...

Once upon a time there were dragons... and there still are, look behind you! I created the fairies, the dragon, the flowers and butterflies with DAZ 3d, the background is from InertiaK : birds are free PNG.

27 Jul 2018

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912 visits

"She is water, powerful enough to drown you, soft enough to cleanse you, deep enough to heal you". ~Unknown Fully created in my DAZ 3d Studio 4.10 except for the 2 seagulls which are free seagull didn't want to stay in the image. Maybe it lands in somebody else's gallery :-) Must be the heat that I keep on with this subject! Es muss an der Hitze liegen, dass dieses Thema mich im Moment so fasziniert! C'est peut-être à cause de la chaleur que je suis si fascinée par ce sujet!

28 Aug 2018

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830 visits


It took me quite some time to find out how to add correct shadows to my figures but I start to understand how to manage. There is so much to learn with DAZ 3d (not only with DAZ 3d of course :-)) The flower is one of my photos.

30 Oct 2018

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944 visits

Fall (Herbst) oder "ein bisschen Spass muss sein" :-) aber keine Angst! Niemand kommt in meiner Imagination zu Schaden, wenn ich es nicht will...Hilfe ist schon im Anflug und die Landung wird eine sanfte sein :-) Der Rabe ist PNG aus dem Internet da ich im DAZ Shop noch keinen Raben finden konnte, der mir gefällt. Ich habe ihn schon einige Male für meine Bilder genutzt. Der Himmel im Hintergrund: Bigstock Alles andere: DAZ 3d Studio 4.10 Ich benutze hier zum ersten Mal auch ein männliches Model als Ausgleich zu der jungen Dame, die ich im Herbst vor Jahren durch die Lüfte fliegen liess :o)

16 Nov 2018

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646 visits

Some like it wet... I created the fairy with my DAZ 3d Studio 4.10 and the photo is one of my older shots. The rain has been added with DAZ 3d as well. Sometimes we should express our gratitude for the small and simple things like the scent of the rain, the taste of your favorite food, or the sound of a loved one's voice. ~ Joseph B. Wirthlin In Luxembourg we were used to many, many rainy days throughout the year. Now it's raining only very seldom and many of our trees didn't have lovely autumn colors but looked like burned as also this summer (as the last one) was very dry. At least in my imagination I can create my own rain when I feel like it :-)

25 Feb 2019

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652 visits

Touch of spring ~ Used one of my own flower photos and created the fairy with DAZ 3d Studio 4.10. I hope you like it. Today I heard the touching noise of returning geese and spring is in the air in Luxembourg. Bees are already busy and try to find flowers...not easy this time of the year. The snowdrops in our backyard are welcome right now as well as the crocuses. “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.” ~ Stephen Richards

09 May 2019

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949 visits

Miss Kalanchoe ~ “Minds are like flowers; they open only when the time is right.” ~Stephen Richards I cut the flower out of one of my flower shots and created the model with DAZ 3d Studio 4.10. For the 2 backgrounds I blurred 2 of my flower shots and added an overlay on the second background. The color splash is one of my paint shop brushes.

03 Jun 2016

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1 188 visits

Possibilities or...make that change I try not to post to many of my pictures as they take a lot of space but I don't want to take away too much of their quality and I thank you for understanding. Created with DAZ 3d Studio 4.10 “All the possibilities of your human destiny are asleep in your soul. You are here to realize and honor these possibilities. When love comes in to your life, unrecognized dimensions of your destiny awaken and blossom and grow. Possibility is the secret heart of time.” ― John O'Donohue

25 Jul 2019

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755 visits

Be Created with DAZ 3D Studio 4.11 She is a Mermaid, but approach her with caution, her mind swims at depths most would drown in. ~ Unknown
18 items in total